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After i download fm database( sortitoutsi transfer data update) every player is one year older for example Bukayo Saka in real life was born in 2001 but in fm23 database his birthday changes to 2000, is it a way i can fix it because its affects to contracts and player value ?
Because the game starts in 2022 but we're in 2023. I would hope that's obvious. For realism people want to start with Harry Kane and Mbappe only having 1 year left on their contracts…
If you want to remove it for some reason just uncheck the file called “sortitoutsi.net FM23 Data Update - Updated Ages and Contracts by 1 year” when starting a new game.
Bielsa is a legend
Why would you not want this? Some people…..
Latrell yard man
i have never tried that file that is amazing someone has gone through every single player in the database and edited there age.
There is any easy way to de-activate this though?
When you start a new game click database and manually uncheck the file, or simply delete it from the editor data folder.
wow just wow
i do not need this because i already downloaded alternative start date in june 23
Bielsa is a legend
Any update on this? It seems that even when deactivating the file, the contracts are still the same - as if a year has already passed. Since I'm starting on July 2023, this feature makes it seem like I'm actually starting on July 2024 (with Mbappe's contract already expired for example).
All contract end dates are automatically backdated by a year because the database isn't designed to be played with a 2023 start date fix, it's designed to simulate 2023-2024 with the games 2022 start dates, the point of this file is to essentially make it 2023 in all but the actual digits at the top of the screen. It's the most stable way of doing it.
Thanks for this clarity on the post.
Is there any other data update that allows for custom start dates and updated transfers? For context, I want to be able to play in European competitions with the correct teams (Newcastle).