3 years ago
12 hours ago

Hello, I’ve noticed people have been downvoting my data update submissions. So I’d like to just make a post asking if the official welsh football app is a reliable source. 


When I was a data scout for transfermarkt I used it the majority of the time as it’s official. Like I’ve tested this out, you accept transfermarkt as a source but not the place transfermarkt are getting their information from? I have a list of players I’d like to update on this site but I don’t want to be wasting mine and your time. 

I apologise if this is the wrong place to post this

18 years ago
2 hours ago

It looks like it was @Ado77 who disabled these so worth tagging him for an explanation.


It may just be that your submission is hard to read, the link just goes to a tiny thumbnail surrounded by ads.


It would be more helpful if the proof was clearer, in some cases like Jordan Jones his transfermarkt is up to date and the link is right there on the page when you make a submission so it would probably be easier than uploading a screenshot. Although I assume in some other cases transfermarkt won't be up to date yet.

17 years ago
2 weeks ago

I understood the situation. Most of the time, I searched for the players' social media accounts like Twitter or LinkedIn but I couldn't get the correct information for the data update. Some of these players are playing for veteran teams, so I wasn't sure if it's OK to transfer them. There are not much up-to-date infos for these players since they are old as you know. Also I don't know that these screenshots are taken from the official Welsh app, I thought it was an ordinary football application. That's why I disabled them.

3 years ago
12 hours ago

So I can’t use the Cymru Football app? I don’t see how transfermarkt is more reliable considering the Cymru Football app is where we got the data from and they‘ve all been approved.


Thanks anyways , great site nonetheless! 

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