SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
The Retro Kits has been live around 18 months now. Just wanted to reach out and see what improvements could be made to it.
@tonytonytony @Stevow74 you guys are the only mods for that area right now.
@Franz01 and @UTAFan90 you used to use it alot but stopped in the past year. Was that because of the system or personal reasons? Absolutely no pressure to give any feedback, but if you did feel free to share 🙂.
In general it does seem like alot fewer retro kits are being made now than before when it was just a forum topic. I'm hoping that's not caused by the new system, but could well be.
One of the main reasons for switching system was to make pages like this arsenal page possible, but looking at the stats this area of the site is barely visited at all. I can't tell if that's a lack of interest or difficulty in finding it.
I lost interest in doing the kits.. Too many requests for shirts from the 2000s which to me are not retro..
i'm not good at creating templates from scratch so unfortunately the whole lack of template makers in general apart from a few brilliant people makes it difficult.
A problem with the Retro Kits thread is that “jump to first unread” (this link) doesn't work properly - it either takes you to the beginning post, or to the very latest post, rather than the first unread post.
@weeniehutjr fixed that now!
From @Stevow74 in a PM
I've added in validation for years being greater than 2011 and a note about it having to be SS Kit style.
I don't think it is very clear how to upload finished “gameready” SS' retro kits to the system if you are not responding to a request. It hides under upload request and you have to know there is an option hiding in there somewhere. I understand why people just upload them in the forum thread instead. @Footygamer
And make @Stevow74 staff so he can moderate and delete requests and responses 👍🙂
I've deleted any fc'12 respons I could find and changed one gameready to request 👍
@Qvordrup I've just improved the menu links a bit 🙂
Great 🙂 but I also think the green buttons should be at the top of the page.
And I believe that somethings gone wrong on the SS' fantasy kits thread;
hmm… the hole SS' fantasy kits seams to be a bit messed up:
@Footygamer It seems that you have been working on applying a similar request system for SS' fantasy kits as we now have for SS' retro kits.
If that is the case, then great, because I think it is a great idea and will help to organize the hole SS' kits project.
But you have either not finished the process or it is not working as intended 🤷♂️
Thats been there since the beginning when the Retro Kits was first released, it was just never implemented.
How did you stumble on it, it shouldn't be linked to from anwhere.
I stumbled upon it when trying to read the latest post posted in the SS' fantasy kits thread. But I have just tried again and now it is no longer linking to that page.
Anyway I still think it is a great idea to implement that 🙂👍
From what I remember there was some push back against it. But I can't remember exactly now.
Ali Sheikh
hi can i have a link to download the retro kitpack for 2003/04, thanks in advance.