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Yuto Nagatomo
This guys made a compressed facepack (5GB) but isn't free.
Yuto Nagatomo
Check pm
Hi Yuto
Any chance I could get a copy of those pack please? Going on holiday soon and I want to play football manager on the beach with a cocktail 🙂
Hi guys,
I'm new here. 🙂 any chance I can get this pack from the master Yuto?
Johan Lager
Hi @Yuto Nagatomo
would love to get your pictures pack as well please.
Thank you for your work!!
Butch Hartman
Does anyone know if there’s a way to vacation while making sure the ai uses your tactic and lineup? I know how to do it for the normal PC version but haven’t found a way for the arcade ipad version.
Hey @Yuto Nagatomo
would love to get my hands on the facepack too, laptop has packed in and have to get my FM binge on the iPad.
thanks in advance
Aaron Pitschmann
hey @Yuto Nagatomo
thanks for you work!
could you also send me the file to aaron.p@live.at!
thanks a lot.
Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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@Yuto Nagatomo why not just post links to the packs publicly rather than doing it all through PM? It would be alot less work for everyone and people won't have to comment requesting it if the link was just in the thread.
Hi @Yuto Nagatomo could I have the packs please?
Thanks in advance!
Bielsa is a legend
@Yuto Nagatomo could you please send me your apple file please
@Yuto Nagatomo please could you send me your pack? Thanks 🙂
Hi @Yuto Nagatomo, I‘m very excited to try out FM23 Touch! Please could you share with me all you have available to run FM23 Touch on iPhone and iPad. Thank You!
Can I get those Logo, Faces and Kit mega packs that you made @Yuto Nagatomo Much appreciated.👌💯
Hi @Yuto Nagatomo I was wondering if you could please send me the files for the kits/badges and face packs. please I’ve tried putting them on various ways but no luck much appreciated if you could help.
Hi @Yuto Nagatomo I would appreciate the packs too please. Thanks
Bielsa is a legend
Has anybody had a response recently?
Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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Yuto Nagatomo
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could you send me a link please?