FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 16 Feb 2025
- 104,723 Changes
- 585 Contributors
- FM24.3
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This page is here as a historical reference only.
No problem. I think the better option is not confirming the transfer, only the loan extension.
Yes, what I didn't understand is this part: l’obbligo da parte della Lazio di acquisire a titolo definitivo le prestazioni sportive del giocatore al raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi sportivi . That means they're conditions and the transfer is not obligatory then, right?
unfortunately the various Italian newspapers change the formulas. On the Juve website it seems that actually both for Pellegrini and for Rovella the obligation is conditional on the achievement of various objectives.
pellegrini 4 million
rovella 17 millionPs: the same also applies to Guendonzi.
About 15 million.Excuse the misunderstanding
“Luca Pellegrini's career will continue at Lazio. Therefore, his move to Rome on a two-year loan with an obligation to buy from the Lazio”
from the official note from Juve it seems to be an official transfer
Yes, what I didn't understand is this part: l’obbligo da parte della Lazio di acquisire a titolo definitivo le prestazioni sportive del giocatore al raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi sportivi . That means they're conditions and the transfer is not obligatory then, right?
But the Corriere link says “L’accordo prevede l’obbligo da parte della Lazio di acquisire a titolo definitivo le prestazioni sportive del giocatore al raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi sportivi”. I understand that means the obligatory clause depends on specific results, right?
“Luca Pellegrini's career will continue at Lazio. Therefore, his move to Rome on a two-year loan with an obligation to buy from the Lazio”
from the official note from Juve it seems to be an official transfer
Lazio: obbligo di riscatto a 4 milioni.
But the Corriere link says “L’accordo prevede l’obbligo da parte della Lazio di acquisire a titolo definitivo le prestazioni sportive del giocatore al raggiungimento di determinati obiettivi sportivi”. I understand that means the obligatory clause depends on specific results, right?
Not obligatory, but I prolonged the loan
Lazio: obbligo di riscatto a 4 milioni.
![Luca Pellegrini](
![Luca Pellegrini](
The transfer will go through on 01-07-2025.
2 years loan at Lazio with 4M obligation buy-out
Not obligatory, but I prolonged the loan
![Luca Pellegrini](
![Luca Pellegrini](
![Luca Pellegrini](
The transfer will go through on 01-07-2025.
2 years loan at Lazio with 4M obligation buy-out
![Luca Pellegrini](
he is a new Lazio player, official today
![Luca Pellegrini](