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hey, can you remove the under-21 and foreign rule for the Turkish league?
Mr Tony Almeida
is there a problem with the irish file "Ireland (League)? wont let me choose it and says
Require maximum of 10 teams for League of Ireland Premier Division, Found 11
Require maximum of 10 teams for next year's League of Ireland Premier Divison, Found 11
Try a totally fresh install, delete all files and place newest update in, there’s an old file from a much older version that will conflict if it hasn’t been deleted.
I can be I’ll need to see some evidence of the rule changes.
Alex Mahone
Finnish league has only 3 subs and the rules for starting XI are changed. It asks 4 trained in Finland in the XI but in reality its 4 in the match squad.
actually it would be very good, this foreing and under-21 rules so annoying, if u can alternative turkish leagues it would be nice, if u can remove foreign and under-21 rules that will be nice. thank u
You need to give a link to official
Content that theses are genuine league changes
not as it looks now just some personal request
Marco Orsolini
hi, in the next upgrade, do you intend insert brescia instead reggina in serie b?
Thanks for your work
Hi mate, yes I will, I've just been away on holiday so not been able to edit any of the files, now I am back I'll be back to work as usual.
Italy now updated, including the addition of Atalanta U23s to Serie C.
will it be in tomorrow update
Yes, whatever I upload is usually in the next download at around 4am. If not it will be in the one after.
Sheffield Wednesday, Plymouth & Ipswich (I think) are still competing in the Papa Johns Trophy despite being in the Championship. The relegated teams (Reading, Blackpool & Wigan) should replace them.
France re-uploaded to include Bordeaux points deduction and relegation of Sedan in favour of Nancy.
Wouldn't it make sense as part of one of the general updates / improvements, to maybe push the reputations of the Saudi Competitions up higher to reflect the perceived desirability of going there caused by activity in the transfer market since FM23 came out? E.g. Saudi Professional League: 128 >> 154 (would put it between the Eredivisie and Brazilian Top Flight); Saudi King's Cup: 91 >> 118; Saudi Super Cup: 78 >> 101; Saudi First Division League: 75 >> 97.
buonasera…vorrei sapere dove sbaglio visto che iniziando il 12 giugno 2023….. molti giocatori hanno scadenza contratto 30 giugno 2023…. grazie mille….
That is certainly my intention. I have a week of annual leave I plan to get a lot done in (so I can also get a game going too!) and things like this will be part of the improvements.
Marco Orsolini
hi, in italian serie b and serie a , english player are not ue player, but the rule is change this summer, now they are ue players. can you fix this rule? thanks
Portuguese leagues now fully updated and re-structured.
Mehmet Suat
Fixtures are not being populated in any of the French divisions for me in the 2023/2024 season. Had it happen twice in separate saves now.
Hey mate, do you have a link covering this rule change for me? I can see what I can do.
Thanks for the report.
At the moment if you play with Ligue 1 and 2 active then the results will be populated as normal, the issue is the transition between Ligue 2 and Championnat National. In the interim I suggest anybody playing with France active only does so with the top two divisions active.
In addition to the above, I have uploaded a new France file that will prevent players encountering this bug. Only Ligue 1 and 2 are playable, but this does mean that both will receive fixtures and Ligue 2 will still restructure at the end of the first season.
Once I have worked out a fix the normal number of playable divisions will be re-uploaded.
Not OP but here's an article about it (in Italian)
A BETA file for Saudi Arabia is now uploaded (primarily to facilitate their place in the wider market). As such it is NOT a finished article, though it absolutely does work.
There has been a rule change in the Turkish Super League. It would be nice if you integrate it into the game.
In addition to the 14 footballers who are not eligible to play for the Turkish National Football Team, a maximum of 1 footballer who is a citizen of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and a maximum of 1 footballer who is not eligible to play for the Turkish National Football Team but has Turkish Citizenship or a blue card may sign a contract within the transfer and registration periods and be registered and included in the A Team List.
Source: https://www.tff.org/Resources/TFF/Documents/TFF/Lisanslama/2023-2024-sezonu-ilan-edilmesi-gereken-hususlar.pdf
Hey guys,
A rule about the foreign players in Turkish league is missing. Every team is allowed to register a player from the following 5 countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) without using a spot from the 14 allowed foreign player list. In other words, one player from those countries counts as domestic player. The rule is stated in the following link but unfortunately it is only available in Turkish. (https://www.tff.org/Resources/TFF/Auto/ef75442d06eb40509359e295466fcb34.pdf). An example would be Bakhtiyor Zaynutdinov (https://www.transfermarkt.com.tr/bakhtiyor-zaynutdinov/profil/spieler/344299). He is counted as a domestic player in Beşiktaş, but it is not the case in the game. You could also see from transfermarkt (https://www.transfermarkt.com.tr/besiktas-istanbul/startseite/verein/114) that Beşiktaş already has 14 foreign players without Zaynutdinov, yet he is registered in the squad as well without breaking the limit of 14 foreign player rule since he is counted as domestic player.
It would be great if someone could implement the rule within the game.
Thanks for all the help in advance.
I just needed a short break after the long work on finances, I’ll do my best to tweak the remaining issues where possible.
Savaş Ulaş
Hello, in addition to the new foreign player rule in Turkiye, Yeni Malatyaspor has withdrawn from TFF1. Lig this season. They won't play any matches and they won't be relegated. The club will return to the same league next season but I don't know is there any way to reflect that in the game. For this season, the league will be played with 18 teams, 3 teams will relegate.
Yeni Malatyaspor resmen ligden çekildi | Transfermarkt
Also, Kalecik Futbol Kulübü in TFF 3. Lig has become Hacettepe 1945 and it's the new affliate club of Gençlerbirliği, replacing old Hacettepespor.
Hacettepe 1945 SK - Kulüp profili | Transfermarkt
with distrital leagues ???