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Is there any way of changing my owners name/face? I'm currently doing a Birmingham save and wanted to make Tom Brady the owner but you can't actually click in to them to set nickname or view their skinning ID to change the face
To have the ID of every person in the game, you must select the player's ID in the game options
Already have that ticked mate but you can’t click into owners to see what it is
Bielsa is a legend
you would need to add him to the game as a Director and then add is face via the cut outs
Tom Wagner is currently in as owner, Brady is just an investor
I’m on one of the first databases and had a board takeover early in the save so my current owner is a made up staff member. How would I add a new director to my save?
Aware of the board IRL, just wanted Tom Brady as it gives it a bit of glam haha.
Bielsa is a legend
you can add via the pre game editor, you have to start a new game
23.5 has Tom Wagner-just use steam to update
Yeah I wanted it on my current save as I’m 5 seasons in. No worries, cheers for your help 👍