Trophies Pack
Add real photos of trophies to Football Manager. Our pack is the biggest collection of trophies available for Football Manager. Trophies will appear on competition pages showing you the beautiful prize your team is competing for.
- 2,038
- 2025.03 - Released on 15 Feb 2025

Maldivian Charity Shield id: 23093031
Ok guys, that's it for this month's update.
Every request from now on will be in the next update.
Big thanks to all contributors !
@Armamaddon and @Ronaldo Fenômeno
This thread is now open again. I hope you will both start to make trophies again .
This thread is now only for posting “game ready” 300x300 trophies.
This is because we have a new submissions system where you also can submit sources pictures for trophies.
So you can collect any sources pictures upload for trophies there (you can filter for trophies): (press the contribute button)
any questions please write here
Of course I will 🙂
Here are the first two
A-Junioren Bundesliga - 92086571
Oberliga Niedersachsen - 35102297
Ronaldo Fenômeno
Ronaldo Fenômeno
hi there again thank you for the great work you do, could you plz find the prem league summer serious trophy and add it to the collection would be very much appreciated, and is there a way i can make a thank you donation?
i just cant find the trophy anywhere.
Ronaldo Fenômeno
this trophy?
First hit on Google and it even has a wikipedia entry with the trophy visible.
yer thats the trophy.
Argentine Premier Division - 102421
Uruguayan “Copa AUF Uruguay” (A or First Division)
Uruguayan Segunda Division (B or Second Division)
Uruguayan Primera División Amateur (C or Third Division)
Okay so as far as I know the Uruguayan Primera División Amateur trophy is exactly the same as the fourth cup from the left (4th picture), the only thing that's different is the text on the plaque; I highly doubt anyone would notice or even know this, if you'd like to use that trophy for the Primera División Amateur.
I'll update if I find the Divisional D (D or Fourth Division) trohpy.
Edit: Okay so the Divisional D trophy is the same as the Uruguayan Primera División Amateur (C or Third Division) one, the only thing that's different is the text on the plaque; apparently we are not very original when it comes to trophies…
Edit2: I've included two pictures of the Primera División Amateur (C or Third Division) and Divisional D (D or Fourth Division) trophie plaques; maybe someone could photoshop them to the trophy from the 1st picture.
Ok guys, that's it for this month's update.
Every request from now on will be in the next update.
Big thanks to all contributors !
Verbandsliga Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (2000075273)
Sorry, but this is not the right trophy, I got this league in my “to do”-folder and it looks different. This is an old version of the “Lübzer Cup”, the “Verbandspokal Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (2000073336)
Ronaldo Fenômeno
@Armamaddon, @Ronaldo Fenômeno, @bakizp, @DazS8 and everybody else.
This thread has been moved from the “metallic logo” forum to the “other football manager graphics” forum. It is not me who moved it to begin with and I believe the idea is that this is a stand alone download. Lets see how it works out.
I will still update this every month (same time as metallic logos) and this will also still be part of the metallic logo pack.
From now on you can submit both sources and game ready trophies to the new submissions system to make sure they are not missed (me and bakizp will of course do our best to get every thing 👍🙂)
just hit the upload image button and choose competition trophy.
Is there any way (here or the submissionsystem) you prefer to get the trophies from? To be honest, I liked how it was before. 😀
Well we are going to check both places, but since you ask I prefer the submissions system 🙂
The new submissions system is a huge improvement to our work with the metallic logo project 👍
By the way I completely acknowledges you opinion that you like the old way better 👍 The new system is a tool just like a hammer or a knife 🙂 is has a very high degree of functionality, but might seem a bit cold and boring to some people (as it probably actually is). But the fact is that the people that work on the different projects in their spare time on this site uses way to much time on it and tends to burn out. So the different submissions systems is a great way of having all in one place and therefore hugely reducing the time spent on collecting and sorting and quality control different images, and the users do a lot of the work them self (uploading, making sure the submissions are connected to the right player/club/competitions ect). So it is very effective but perhaps not very fun and inspiring, and that is something we might have to work on in the future development of this site, but the experience with the systems in the cut outs and background packs tells us it has a great output in terms of getting great quality graphics to put in the game, and it is very sustainable in the way that many staff and users share the responsibility of making the packs (more community based instead of one person running the hole thing). 🙂👍
Ok guys, that's it for this month's update.
Every request from now on will be in the next update.
Big thanks to all contributors !
Apologies, my bad, yes, it was meant to be Verbandspokal Mecklenburg-Vorpommern” (2000073336). Waiting for your update then!
Yeah, but even this is an outdated one, I will upload the recent one soon. The “actual” (in the pack) trophy is older than the last one.
so finally, these are the right trophies (added them to the system)
Jhon AF
league 2 1XBET - PERU 2023
Jhon AF
1 step
2 step change ID:215441,215852,215853,215854 to image ID:5290551
3 step see the result
hariz zakwan
Will you update Libertadores trophy
@Armamaddon, @Ronaldo Fenômeno, @bakizp, @DazS8 and everybody else.
Once again the trophies pack has been changed. It is now its own little mega pack with browsing system and submissions system and will be completely removed from the Metallic logo pack.
Check it out 🙂👍
Jhon AF
Hi, you are right Qvordrup, the trophy community for football manager grew quite a lot and I am happy that it has a navigation system and submission system like other charts have. I will always remember when we were a Mega pack metal logo forum.