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Does anybody produce a light skin? The dark ones look great but hurt my eyes/head. Would even be happy to pay! :-)
Lets pray for someone do it. I have the same problem
I'm really searching one everywhere, but people love darker skins 😢
Nobody, including the Sports Interactive company, cares about people with astigmatism.
You can find the our issues in the following article.
Thomas Moliner
Yeah pls, im looking for a light skin too ! even if its the standard one with a simple white background
Patrik Súlovský
prosím niekoho o bielu pleť
I'll be keeping an eye out for one. Dark mode is killing me.
I see every day new skins arriving and they're not so different of the rest.
With all due respect, maybe changing colors or making a light skins also could generate more downloads
Jeferson Pessanha
Thats why i still play FM19!
after that, SI simply cutted off the white skin without any advise!
that's tottaly disrespectfull!!
They doesn't care about anything, then i won't give my money to them!
Just to let you guys know, I've taken the official FM22 light skin and installed on FM24, and for my surprise it works perfectly.
Could you please link which FM22 light skin you've got working? I've tried both I've got downloaded and neither come up!
Sure. I apologize because I don't remember exactly where I have downloaded the skin from, nonetheless I uploaded to this link the one I am using: https://pixeldrain.com/u/BjNZksZ7 - Let me know if it worked for you. I've been using through a whole season in game and no problem so far.
It works except for the staff page, you can't see staff attributes, a common problem in this edition.
Still, better than nothing I guess, there are no light skin this year…
a mate has asked me to fix some minor things as hes using this for 24. want me top upload it when im done?
Oh, this would be wonderful.
I've vision problems with dark modes, so if you could upload the fixed version when ready I'd really appreciate!
Many thanks!
That would be amazing!!
Thomas Moliner
Interested too ! Thx a lot !
fixed a few things he sent over
For me doesnt work
There's still a few blank areas on some screens (possibly white text on white background?) but it certainly works and is a hell of a lot better than the dark skins!! Kudos.
Bielsa is a legend
Inspired by @DazS8 i am playing around with the @flut 2020 v2.2 light skin to see if i can adapt to 2024
likely to be an unmitigated disaster, so if im not online for next day or so, it means im having my PC rebuilt!
It takes some doing mate, I am still editing my version…..although just about happy with it now (dark sorry folks)
Bielsa is a legend
you are light years ahead of me, but i do recall the 2020 light skin, and it was very nice
It'll be worth it!
Bielsa is a legend
Trust me it wasn’t, managed to get the skin working, with some alts from 24 version, but approx 20% of panels not right on 1st go.
im no Flutmeister 😂
Bielsa is a legend
@DazS8 did you get any further
Not touching the light skin mate, sorry…
Bielsa is a legend
me neither now, my respect for Flut went up ten fold
Where can I get the Flut light skin?