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Yes and they still all work.
Bielsa is a legend
Bielsa is a legend
Maybe your spec.isnโt upto it?
otherwise no idea
i have the same problem.
I would appreciate if anyone can help.
If anyone has any idea why that would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks!
look in the graphics folder you will see that the Champions League only contains one adboard and the Europa League has several, that's why that's the case
Do you know how to fix the problem? Many thanks
I'm trying because it bothers me too
Vicious One
The simatchviewer_uncompressed folder goes into C:/program files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/FM24/data folder, but what about the existing .fmf files in this 'data' folder which are already there. Can they cause a conflict/overrule with the placed new folder from the pack? Should some of these existing .fmf files be deleted/archived somewhere?
Examples are:
I can't get the patch to work on FM24. I haven't played FM since โ20 and the file destinations are clearly a bit different. Iโm not familiar enough with the game to follow the posts above. Can anyone spell it out for me like the in initial instructions?
@Vicious One has really great instructions below, but they are incomplete. Sorry I don't know these things myself.
Bielsa is a legend
filepaths are identical
you needs the steam file, the ads config and the graphics file
I see. I must have installed incorrectly. I could not find the initial file locations to install the bidstack removal piece though. That file directory definitely is not in my game.
Bielsa is a legend
Itโs in preferences, maybe a hidden folder
if I get time over the break I will inbox you my files
Damn, I would use these, but they are a bit out of date tbh. For example, for the Portuguese League where I'm managing, it's no longer called Liga Nos etc.
For obvious reasons we won't see an updated version though, which is a shame.
Deniga Babatope
Can it work with fm 24 ?
Deniga Babatope
Please can this work on fm 24 please ?
Bielsa is a legend
Do you know why the ad boards lag a bit? Takes about 5 seconds or so for them to load at the beginning of each match and once theyโve shown once the board goes blank for about 10 seconds then they appears again? Any ideas what the issue might be? Many Thanks
That sounds like the XML file might be looking for videos that are not in the folder the code says they are. So if in your XML file for a club, you have seven videos listed, but in the folder for that club, only three videos exits, it will show blank boards until it gets to one that is there. Can also happen if any of the video code is pointing to another folder e.g. a generic folder for a league/country, again, where the boards are not there. Can also sometimes be as simple as the file path to a video that does exist being incorrect.
Finally, depending on when the video boards were created and by whom, some play quickly. At some point the guys who were making boards changed the length of each video file, can't remember why, but you will find that if using custom packs you have pulled together from previous packs, some clips play longer than others, which can explain why some ad clips play really quickly too.
If some work and others are blank, it is almost always this.
Thanks mate! Yeah theyre a mixture of this pack and crackvicore.. I will double check the XML and make sure all the paths are correct and match up to the folders. All 7 ad boards seem to appear correctly, itโs just at the beginning of the match and once all 7 have appeared that when it goes blank for about 5/10 secsโฆ must be to do with the speed of the boards I reckon??
Bielsa is a legend
No idea, but I would stay clear from crackvictors files if I were you mate
Bielsa is a legend
No idea, but I would stay clear from crackvictors files if I were you mate
Football Manager 2024: Hi, i use this Adboard Patch, thanks for that @rabcp ๐
One Question: because i want to include Adboards for Teams in lower Leagues in Germany (5th League)
so, first i saved Sponsors from the Altona Homepage (.jpg Files) ** must have in .png Files or .jpg okay?
When i open the fm.xml in โadsโ Folder, i can not understand the id numbers.
here what i did: (Altona is new, Augsburg is from the default Version 1.4 Patch Version from rabcp)
= Augsburg did not have the 6350 Team ID, so why did Augsburg the 6350 and which id is possible for new Lines, that i include now?
<!-- FC Augsburg ads -->
<record id="6350" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk green"/>
<record id="6351" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk white"/>
<record id="6352" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/empty"/>
<record id="6353" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/swa"/>
<record id="6354" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk1"/>
<record id="6355" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk2"/>
<record id="6356" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk3"/>
<record id="6357" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/wwk4"/>
<record id="6358" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/gw tec1"/>
<record id="6359" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/gw tec2"/>
<record id="6360" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/gw tec3"/>
<record id="6361" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/kastner"/>
<record id="6362" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/kastner1"/>
<record id="6363" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/roma"/>
<record id="6364" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/roma raf"/>
<record id="6365" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/roma rolade"/>
<record id="6366" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/roma textil"/>
<record id="6367" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/swa green"/>
<record id="6368" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/augburger1"/>
<record id="6369" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/augsburger"/>
<record id="6370" path="pictures/ads/generic/conc"/>
<record id="6371" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/ulrich"/>
<record id="6372" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/bies"/>
<record id="6373" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/trib"/>
<record id="6374" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/original"/>
<record id="6375" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/legio"/>
<record id="6376" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/augsburg/flags"/>
<!-- Altona 93 ads -->
<record id="6350" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/ahoi-e1693237750900"/>
<record id="6351" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/barthel"/>
<record id="6352" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/carisma"/>
<record id="6353" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/continentale"/>
<record id="6354" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/dento"/>
<record id="6355" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/ebro"/>
<record id="6356" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/fairplay"/>
<record id="6357" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/fritz"/>
<record id="6358" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/hummel"/>
<record id="6359" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/prosicherheit"/>
<record id="6360" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/ratsherrn"/>
<record id="6361" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/reyer"/>
<record id="6362" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/sbahn"/>
<record id="6363" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/sporthaus"/>
<record id="6364" path="pictures/ads/europe/germany/clubs/altona/toerber-1024x1024"/>
<record id="6370" path="pictures/ads/generic/conc"/>
Bielsa is a legend
dont think the numbers are linked to the team ID at all
example-Leeds are 671 but adboards are
<!-- Leeds United ads -->
<record id="3226" path="video_ads/generic/adidas part 1" animated="true"/>
<record id="3237" path="video_ads/generic/adidas part 2" animated="true"/>
<record id="3228" path="video_ads/generic/32red" animated="true"/>
<record id="3229" path="video_ads/england/clubs/leeds/burflex" animated="true"/>
<record id="3230" path="video_ads/generic/jd" animated="true"/>
<record id="3231" path="video_ads/generic/bet365" animated="true"/>
<record id="3232" path="video_ads/england/generic/vitality" animated="true"/>
<record id="3233" path="video_ads/generic/skysports" animated="true"/>
<record id="3234" path="video_ads/generic/utilita" animated="true"/>
<record id="3235" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/burflex"/>
<record id="3236" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/don revie"/>
<record id="3237" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/norman"/>
<record id="3238" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/transunion"/>
<record id="3239" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/hisense"/>
<record id="3240" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/jack"/>
<record id="3241" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/charlton"/>
<record id="3242" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/astonish"/>
<record id="3243" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/john"/>
<record id="3244" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/charles"/>
<record id="3245" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/flags"/>
<record id="3246" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/sbotop"/>
<record id="3247" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/adidas"/>
<record id="3248" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united/clipper"/>
<record id="3249" path="pictures/ads/europe/england/clubs/leeds united
thats the reason, i am asking for .. ๐
because i do not know, what is the right way / the right ids.. to make the lines fine, to see them into the match Engine..
maybe, only @rabcp can answer that.
maybe we are getting Surprise and rabcp release fm2024 Update Version + tell us the right way for the id Problem ๐ ๐
we will see, Mate.