Here is the full version of my Stato Skin for FM24, this is a transparency skin to enable background images, also a club and competition colour based themed. Please note that I will not be taking requests to change anything unless it is a skin fault. Enjoy!!!
PLEASE EDIT ZOOM to 95% in interface settings get the full benefits of this skin.
If you want to change to a competition coloured themed skin there is a download link, unzip the file and place it in all inc files in the folders in the below image.

Special thanks and credits goes to the below for all the help and experience gained from them.
Keysi - Skinning Hideout
Snowofman - Skinning Hideout
Woz - Skinning Hideout
Bluestillidie - Skinning Hideout
FME - Skinning Hideout
Asmenthol - Skinning Hideout
And a thanks to these as well
Daz - Press Conference Backgrounds
Steve - Background Images
DF11 - For the Player panels
Mydfield - Competition Colours File
New Download 19th November
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Please note that I will not be taking requests to change anything unless it is a skin fault. Enjoy!!!
It's probably only me being a weirdo that this effects! I play the game in an extremely odd way… I'm a Brighton fan and basically just want to play with the current Brighton squad so mirror any transfers Brighton do in real life ,in & out, and alter the ages of the players so they never retire! Essentially I'm in 2050 still with 30 year old Lewis Dunk and Adam Lallana!
I did wonder………….
So unzip the file and place in the player folder and say yes when prompted!! Should work as it works for me!!!
Morning mate quick question if I download latest version 16.11.23 do I need to load up custom views again and redo all my panels ? never updated a skin before so a bit new to using newer versions When released. Thank you
Morning buddy!! I didn't update the skin it was the competition colour zip that I added that shows as an update, Although I shall be updating the skin at some point over the weekend, I don't think you'll need to redo panels and views however…
good to know thank you just downloaded all latest backgrounds last night looks fantastic
@smurfybaby Oh nice, The backgrounds for me really make the skin come alive, It won't be a big update just a few little tweaks to some panels and more colour added to some as well….
Look forward to it mate also being able to change the menu pic is brilliant had loads of comments so been sending them here
Ahh that is a class set up!!! Appreciate you sending them here mate, I've asked in the kits forum about the Man City issue so hopefully that will be sorted soon 🙂
Much appreciated mate
Brilliant thanks so much , that works!
No worries, I just thought it should improve on that point but I understand not wanting any feedback.
It's literally in my skin overview post…that I would not be amending anything!
Well, I can see that and that's why I replied “no worries”.
I wasn't insisting… I literally said I understood.
Have a play around with the files, Sure you could implement what you are looking for!
John McCarthy
Thanks for the skin Stato. Looks great. One question - to keep the main menu panel as the game default colour (instead of changing every time you click on a new team) what files should I play around with?
Have a look at the sidebar menu table in the generic folder, either remove it or adjust it to how you want.
John McCarthy
Brilliant - managed to sort it by just removing the file, thanks
Good morning,
I have a little problem, I put the folder in skins but the competition color file we have to put in the DB root? or in each folder 2300, 2330, 2340
and 2400 in the INC folder? because for example when I go to tactics I don't see my whole team, sorry if my English is not great I'm French ^^
Hi buddy, yes you need to add the file to each data base in the inc folders, also zoom to 95% in the settings, that should fix your issue not seeing the whole screen.
Hi, thank you for your quick feedback, in fact it is better in 95% just a quick question, on the screens that we see from Tottenham when you are on home in the background there is the Premier League, I have chose a French team from Narional and now I see in the background the city of the club a bit rubbish it's probably that I took the photos Background but that doesn't really do it here is the example and last thing me in tactics l analysis I am obliged to unroll a solution so that it is completely direct as in your photo? THANKS
I think you would need to download the competition backgrounds, they can be found here FM 2024 Misc Graphics | FM Scout Just add them to the graphics folder and remove anything that you have in there regards backgrounds.
Thank you it's good then I have the background it's the flags of France maybe there isn't for league 2, thank you in any case it's good.
David Noble
im currently playing as Köln and in the bottom left of the screen shot text and background are both white which makes it hard to see is there a way to change this
edit: only happens for Bundesliga games
If you download the colour competition that would fix this, otherwise remove the match console quick tactics panel from the match folder.
Hey! How do you get the faces to appear on that page (from your screenshot)
I have the cut out faces and the icon faces installed (and they appear correctly in the tactic screen) but I can't find which column to add to get their faces here
So i have a problem I downloaded a tier 10 data base from DanFMDatabases and I have the white block issue on League fixtures, also any press conferences are full of full on white borders along the bottom, I downloaded and installed the competition fix but its still happening, ive attached 3 images 2 showing issues and 1 showing the fix placed which doesn't seem to be working, i hope there is a work around this as this is by far my fav skin to use (and yes the fix is placed in all db inc folders)
update, i dont think it wasnt the skin the lower leagues basically all have white competitions so i went in and altered all the competition colours, pain in backside but thats what u get using a non official data base i guess lol
Glad you managed to sort it, There are files that you can delete, let me know if you want me to let you know what they are 🙂
Hey, I think if you look at the comments thread, I did share my views in one of the posts, pretty explanatory as to where you need to import them to, Let me know if you can't find them and I'll post them again.