That's strange - it's not supposed to work like that and I can't recall anyone else having this issue. What error message do you get?
the message is no image suplied except that once certain photos are finished I can again validate which other photo and the message is no longer displayed.
the message is no image suplied except that once certain photos are finished I can again validate which other photo and the message is no longer displayed.
here is a before photo and an after photo of trying to submit photos.
Pressing the submit button should add the image to the request pack. I don't see what the issue is here 😕
Besides, if done correctly, you should see a submit all button at the very top of the page when you upload the pack, so you don't have to do it one by one.
@aminezirar, most of this pack still appear as draft and won't actually be seen by the community until you get to save them 👍