Installation Guide & Feature Overview


Quite a few to mention, and I'm sure there will be some that I've missed.  If I've inadvertently used something you believe I haven't credited please let me know!


tcsskin - An elder statesman of skinning, taught me a lot and been a wonderful sounding board.  All round solid fella.
keysi - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
Wozzie - Tad Twenty was the first skin I used.  Arguably to blame for me going down this rabbit hole!
Michaeltmurrayuk - For those base skins all those years ago.
wkdsoul - For all the assistance to my man skinning queries.
sebastian_starttrbts - For setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
Tyburn - Also for setting me down the path of pseudo-attributeless skinning.
_Ben_ - For being a fabulous sounding board and helping to push new ideas over the last 18 months.
Just Howie - For entertaining late night conversations on completely inconsequential skinning related nonsense.
Groot - For building my ego and helping me with various skinning queries.
Snowofman - For all the assistance to my many skinning queries.
a31632 - For being a master of buttons.
Jellico - For his consistent and constructive feedback.
VonTrips - For his consistent and constructive feedback, and assistance with Czech translations.
FERIA - For help with French translations.
Herr Jones - For help with Portuguese translations.



What is a Pizza Chart (requires subscription)


In simple terms, it’s a chart showing a high level view of how often a player performs a specific action and how that ranks when compared to their peers.  The bigger the slice, the higher the player ranks.  A player in the 90th percentile for a category means they perform that action more than 90% of other players.

The pizza chart is calculated at 5% intervals, and each concentric circle represents a 20th percentile.  It is based loosely on the above article from The Athletic, adapted to work with the metrics available within FM.


I have analysed 26,000 players playing more than 900 minutes in the Top 20 domestic leagues, breaking down each metric by position.  Due to limitations this means the underlying data is static.  For example, an Attacking Midfielder who completes 4 dribbles per game will always be ranked in the 90th percentile, even if at that exact moment in your game world there may in fact more or less players better than them.


The same metrics are used for each position (except goalkeepers) to enable you to understand the tactical profile of a player.  Forwards will be involved in a defensive capacity, and defenders will be involved in an attacking capacity, and understanding how a player compares in his position in all aspects of the game is important.


What is an Archetype? (requires subscription)


An archetype is another high level view of whether a player is elite at a particular combination of actions.  An archetype will become active when their statistical output meets the threshold to mark them out as special at their position


They are based loosely on the above article from The Athletic, refined into fewer archetypes and adapted to work with the metrics available within FM.  This utilises the same analysis from the pizza chart, and is once again static.


For example, a Quarterback is a midfielder who is above the 60th percentile in passes completed, progressive passes and open play-key passes.  As a combination, roughly only 10% of players will meet this criteria.


How Do I Change the Colour Scheme?

Included in the download is a folder called Mustermann Iconic Alt Files.  Inside here are the 12 colour schemes supplied.  Simply choose a scheme you want and copy the file into the Mustermann Iconic/settings folder.  Once done, delete the file “Mustermann Iconic settings” and rename the copied file to “Mustermann Iconic settings”.  Inside FM, reload the skin, turning off caching.


If you want to set your own Colour Scheme, you will want to edit lines 214-241 inside the aforementioned file, using a text editor such as Notepad.  Colours are defined as RGB values.  I heartily recommend using if you need help deciding on a palette.


Where is Light Mode?

Light mode is not included in the original release.  Whilst I still intend to release a light mode for this skin, I do not anticipate this being before the New Year.


Some Words Are in English.  How Do I Change This?

Where possible, I’ve tried to utilise existing translations within the game.  Unfortunately this is not always appropriate.  For čeština, Français or Português, there are alternative translation files in the Mustermann Iconic Alt Files folder.  Just copy the files for your chosen language into the Mustermann Iconic/panels/player folder.


How Do I Change Attribute Ranges?

Due to the way the skin works, you can’t change the ranges through preferences.  Instead you’ll have to use a text editor.  Inside the Mustermann Iconic/classes folder, you will need to change the values for all the files inside the attributes folder and the dna folder.  


In each file, you will need to edit the min_value and max_values to your desired ranges.  Let’s say for example, you wanted to increase the lowest range to 8, and then make the remaining bands be 4 attributes each.  You would set the first range from “1” to “8”, the second range would be “9” to “12”, the third range “13” to “16” and the final range “17” to “20”.  You would then need to repeat this for all the aforementioned files.  Once done, caching off, reload the skin.


Will You Make a “Normal” Version with Numerical Attributes?

No.  Sorry.


I Want [feature].  When Will You Add It?

I am always open to feedback and suggestions, so please let me know below.  Even if it is a good idea, however, I am not going to promise that it will be included.  With the exception of any critical bugs, I will be releasing updates a few weeks after SI’s official patches, and any additions will ultimately be at my discretion.




  • Introduction of Light mode
  • Expansion of customised home page widgets
  • Pizza chart graphics updated to include guidelines at 10th percentile and distinction between those metrics above and below the 50th percentile
  • Replaced heatmaps in match report with formation
  • Addition of bookmark button in titlebar
  • Addition of next unread, mark all as read, and save note buttons to inbox
  • Expanded pasty charts to include drill down by position
  • Addition of defensive actions, excitement factor and passing breakdown to player profile
  • Data Hub option added to performance section of player profile
  • Added an attribute key to player profile
  • Added bans as to player profile
  • Restored edit appearance button to manager profile
  • Added manager characteristics to manager profile
  • Added text for studying new qualification to manager and staff profiles
  • Added competition reputation history graph
  • Restored formation fluidity indicator to tactics pitch
  • Added player mugshots as option for custom views



  • Added scouting knowledge indicator to player profiles for scouted players
  • Restored "Attributes" page - this is now the same as the "Profile" page, but with player's ability/attributes above performance
  • Added match preparation summary to training overview
  • Added contract end date to header on player profile
  • Added Russian alternative files (thanks @thebuildupplay)
  • Updated player dot icons in tactic screen during match to fit rest of skin
  • Increased width of player tactical instructions dialog box to better support non-English languages
  • Fixed missing text for stats and GK attributes in player profile
  • Fixed aggregated attributes erroneously showing as 5 stars for groups that should be 0.5 stars in training reports and player comparisons
  • Fixed missing team and competition filters from player form page
  • Fixed goalkeeping stat labels missing from form selector on player profile
  • Fixed home form showing up in match lineups for both teams


Usage Rights
This skin is completely free for personal use, but may not be sold or placed behind a paywall.  If you plan on using the skin publicly, or repurposing a unique element for your own released skin, please get in touch to discuss credit.

If, for whatever reason, you are so enamoured with this skin you want to send me a coffee, feel free to donate via PayPal.  I would like to stress there is no obligation whatsoever!

1 year ago
6 months ago

First of all: the skin is amzing and definitely changes the way I play FM from now on!

Not relying on the specific attribute number but on a more graphical and specific way ist both more logical and realistic.


But now to my question:


Is it possible to change the footed circles in the tactic screen to these 2D Mini Kits (view attachments)?

If so, how could I do that?


14 years ago
18 hours ago
By ironkay_95#1777 28 November 2023 - 09:03 AM UTC 

First of all: the skin is amzing and definitely changes the way I play FM from now on!

Not relying on the specific attribute number but on a more graphical and specific way ist both more logical and realistic.


But now to my question:


Is it possible to change the footed circles in the tactic screen to these 2D Mini Kits (view attachments)?

If so, how could I do that?


You'll want to edit Mustermann Iconic/panels/tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml.  Your best bet is to find the corresponding file in a skin you like and paste it into the folder.

1 year ago
6 months ago

and another question: how can I set those statistic parameters to be descendlingly sorted (second picture) after the match on the post-match screen?

they normaly appear not sorted/ ascendingly sorted (first picture).


would appreciate any help/tip 🙂

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By ironkay_95#1777 28 November 2023 - 09:32 AM UTC 

and another question: how can I set those statistic parameters to be descendlingly sorted (second picture) after the match on the post-match screen?

they normaly appear not sorted/ ascendingly sorted (first picture).


would appreciate any help/tip 🙂


Click on the stat name in the header of the table.

1 year ago
6 months ago
By gimn85 28 November 2023 - 09:17 AM UTC 

You'll want to edit Mustermann Iconic/panels/tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml.  Your best bet is to find the corresponding file in a skin you like and paste it into the folder.


Thanks for the advice!

The problem is I don't know anything about coding/programming though.


In my understanding there should be a basic preview of a 2d kit as the standard view in the line-up view and the kits for each team would be set to appear in this view via a dedicated config file….don't know if this would work at all, it would just be a neat little feature to spice things up 


these are the corresponding files but they were made for the flut skin to appear right next to the player faces.


2D Kits 23/24 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.7.0 - FC'12 Kits Forum - FM24 - Football Manager 2024 (


14 years ago
18 hours ago
By ironkay_95#1777 28 November 2023 - 10:07 AM UTC 

Thanks for the advice!

The problem is I don't know anything about coding/programming though.


In my understanding there should be a basic preview of a 2d kit as the standard view in the line-up view and the kits for each team would be set to appear in this view via a dedicated config file….don't know if this would work at all, it would just be a neat little feature to spice things up 


these are the corresponding files but they were made for the flut skin to appear right next to the player faces.


2D Kits 23/24 for Flutskin - Titlebar/Player Overview v.7.0 - FC'12 Kits Forum - FM24 - Football Manager 2024 (


I'm sure you can manage a bit of copying and pasting!!  I have faith in you.


If the version of the icons on the pitch in Flut is to your liking, then find that file - for Flut it should be Flut/panels/tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml - copy that file into Mustermann/panels/tactics folder.


Then reload the skin with caching turned off.

1 year ago
6 months ago
By gimn85 28 November 2023 - 10:47 AM UTC 

I'm sure you can manage a bit of copying and pasting!!  I have faith in you.


If the version of the icons on the pitch in Flut is to your liking, then find that file - for Flut it should be Flut/panels/tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml - copy that file into Mustermann/panels/tactics folder.


Then reload the skin with caching turned off.


okay thanks mate, I'll try to figure it out!

Mehmet Suat
9 years ago
3 days ago

Not sure as to why it's happening but the tactics screen is pretty buggy for me. Not seeing player names and also the team mentality tab is showing up blank. Tried with 4 different zoom level and resolution combinations to no avail. Playing the game on Gamepass and using the “Cbristmas” config file for the colors, if that helps in any way 🙂 Thanks for putting this unique take on skinning, loved last year's version and what you have going on here, as well. 


Also tried clearing the cache, loading a different tactic, and creating one from scratch.


14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Mehmet Suat 28 November 2023 - 11:05 AM UTC 

Not sure as to why it's happening but the tactics screen is pretty buggy for me. Not seeing player names and also the team mentality tab is showing up blank. Tried with 4 different zoom level and resolution combinations to no avail. Playing the game on Gamepass and using the “Cbristmas” config file for the colors, if that helps in any way 🙂 Thanks for putting this unique take on skinning, loved last year's version and what you have going on here, as well. 




Oh, that's interesting.  What resolution and zoom settings do you use?  For Zoom settings if you can tell me the game zoom level and Windows scaling level that would be great, and will help me try and replicate this.

Mehmet Suat
9 years ago
3 days ago


Yeah, I believe this will not be a common issue and I am sure you have tested this skin thoroughly prior to releasing it, given how meticulous you are. I use a 4K TV as a monitor, and I am sure it'll be very rare that someone else will be using the set of settings I use.


I am using 4K (3840x2160) as my display resolution, with scale set to 225% (can be found under System → Display on Windows). However, all FM skins I have tested so far (default, TCS, Sas24, Electric Panther) behave as they would on a regular 4K display (with system-scaling set to 100%), when the in-game zoom is set to 85%. 


Prior to switching to your skin, I was using Sas24 at 95% zoom, which only results in the bottom few panels on the player profile page to be cut off slightly.


Here's the in-game tactics screen, and it works as intended with the player names showing up. I also noticed a similar issue with the bottom panels for the 5-year plan under club vision, but this does get resolved when you reduce the system scaling.

I am not expecting you to release a hotfix for my pretty peculiar setup, but would really appreciate if you could take the time to re-create the issue and see if you can resolve it 🙂 Thanks a lot for the swift reply.

Here's screencap with both system and in game zoom levels set to 100%, and the issue still persists.




7 years ago
1 month ago

Great skin, thanks!


Its just cosmetic: When seeing the teams right before matches you also see the last 5 matches. (win, draw, loss). The away team has an error there and get the home team last 5 matches showed.

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Mehmet Suat 28 November 2023 - 11:43 AM UTC 

Yeah, I believe this will not be a common issue and I am sure you have tested this skin thoroughly prior to releasing it, given how meticulous you are. I use a 4K TV as a monitor, and I am sure it'll be very rare that someone else will be using the set of settings I use.


I am using 4K (3840x2160) as my display resolution, with scale set to 225% (can be found under System → Display on Windows). However, all FM skins I have tested so far (default, TCS, Sas24, Electric Panther) behave as they would on a regular 4K display (with system-scaling set to 100%), when the in-game zoom is set to 85%. 


Prior to switching to your skin, I was using Sas24 at 95% zoom, which only results in the bottom few panels on the player profile page to be cut off slightly.


Here's the in-game tactics screen, and it works as intended with the player names showing up. I also noticed a similar issue with the bottom panels for the 5-year plan under club vision, but this does get resolved when you reduce the system scaling.

I am not expecting you to release a hotfix for my pretty peculiar setup, but would really appreciate if you could take the time to re-create the issue and see if you can resolve it 🙂 Thanks a lot for the swift reply.

Here's screencap with both system and in game zoom levels set to 100%, and the issue still persists.


Thank you for going into so much detail.  That's interesting, as with those scaling settings you should end up with an effective screen size of around 2000x1200; so it seems weird that it's cutting some stuff off.  I'll have a play around and see what I can find out.

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By H_A_A_K_O_N 28 November 2023 - 11:51 AM UTC 

Great skin, thanks!


Its just cosmetic: When seeing the teams right before matches you also see the last 5 matches. (win, draw, loss). The away team has an error there and get the home team last 5 matches showed.


Thank you for noticing.  I'll take a look this evening, but sounds like I might have just forgotten to change a single ID somewhere!

4 years ago
3 days ago

For now, this is not my way of playing the game yet … 🙂


However, this skin is fantastic. From the ideas within it to the actual implementation this is for sure one of its kind! 

Mehmet Suat
9 years ago
3 days ago

CA, PA. and World Reputation stars/circles appear very small when you go below half a gold star and into the grey stars for some reason.



Mehmet Suat
9 years ago
3 days ago
14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Darkside63 28 November 2023 - 13:45 PM UTC 

For now, this is not my way of playing the game yet … 🙂


However, this skin is fantastic. From the ideas within it to the actual implementation this is for sure one of its kind! 


Thank you.  It is a very niche playing style, and I expect the majority of people who open this thread will have a very similar opinion (in that it's not for them)

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Mehmet Suat 28 November 2023 - 13:52 PM UTC 

CA, PA. and World Reputation stars/circles appear very small when you go below half a gold star and into the grey stars for some reason.




Correct, that is a deliberate design choice.  Something I forgot to mention in the video.  It allows a single visualisation to display current and potential ability in the profile for youth players.


For example, this player is currently 3.5 youth stars, with potential between 2-3 senior stars.




Whilst this player is 1 senior star, with potential between 3-4 senior stars.

2 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hello, thanks fpr your work. I Have the problem that I cant change the player instructions because the accept button isnt there. It is the same in the game and before the game. It would be amazing if someone could help me because I wanna use this awesome skin.
4 years ago
3 days ago
By gimn85 28 November 2023 - 10:47 AM UTC 

I'm sure you can manage a bit of copying and pasting!!  I have faith in you.


If the version of the icons on the pitch in Flut is to your liking, then find that file - for Flut it should be Flut/panels/tactics/tactics icon info panel overview.xml - copy that file into Mustermann/panels/tactics folder.


Then reload the skin with caching turned off.


It works more or less straightforward…


4 years ago
3 days ago
By dennis.sccberlin 28 November 2023 - 17:40 PM UTC 
Hello, thanks fpr your work. I Have the problem that I cant change the player instructions because the accept button isnt there. It is the same in the game and before the game. It would be amazing if someone could help me because I wanna use this awesome skin.


Check here:



gimn85 has already realeased a fix for the issue… The tweet also explains where the file needs to go to…

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Darkside63 28 November 2023 - 19:58 PM UTC 

Check here:



gimn85 has already realeased a fix for the issue… The tweet also explains where the file needs to go to…




Also, thanks for posting on meistertrainer, too!  It saves me having to worry about relying on Google Translate!!!

14 years ago
18 hours ago

Some minor update files added to original post

18 years ago
9 hours ago

Hey @gimn85 this won't appear in our visual skins viewer or be properly shared on social media unless the images are uploaded via the upload screenshots option.


But I see you're trying to do something creative with the images you've uploaded that won't work as well when converted to thumbnails.


Could you perhaps upload a few normal screenshots so that the skin can appear elsewhere on the site?

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By Footygamer 29 November 2023 - 20:32 PM UTC 

Hey @gimn85 this won't appear in our visual skins viewer or be properly shared on social media unless the images are uploaded via the upload screenshots option.


But I see you're trying to do something creative with the images you've uploaded that won't work as well when converted to thumbnails.


Could you perhaps upload a few normal screenshots so that the skin can appear elsewhere on the site?



18 years ago
3 months ago

@gimn85 hope you don't mind a couple of suggestions from my using skin

Contract expiry dates - would it be possible to add this date to the front/top of the player/staff profiles and also to the quick tooltip profiles 
reason being its useful information that now requires a click through to another page 


and this might be because I play in 1440p the kits at the bottom in match view look pretty small compared to other interface elements.

7 years ago
20 hours ago

Skin is incredible, will there be a light version?

14 years ago
18 hours ago
By calvg 30 November 2023 - 12:28 PM UTC 

@gimn85 hope you don't mind a couple of suggestions from my using skin

Contract expiry dates - would it be possible to add this date to the front/top of the player/staff profiles and also to the quick tooltip profiles 
reason being its useful information that now requires a click through to another page 


and this might be because I play in 1440p the kits at the bottom in match view look pretty small compared to other interface elements.


Suggestions are always welcome (I just make no promises they'll be implemented).


Contract expiry dates I'll consider.  These used to be in, using the piece of code that formats it as "[wage] until [date]".  I recall there being an issue between FM22 and FM23 with this particular bit, so I'll revisit and see if I can get it working.


I'm not sure on the kits at the bottom.  I'll consider, but I'll be transparent with my current thoughts: the kits haven't been changed from the default size, and I can't necessarily see a reason to increase them.  I play at 2560x1440 (when I'm not recording) and it doesn't look out of place to me, but I do accept that by moving the tactical options into buttons, I've increased the width for each player, and definitely confers more benefits to those at lower resolutions.


What I will do is send you an alternative file.  The attached xml would need to go in panels/widgets folder.  This moves things around to give more prominence to the kits, but you will probably need to tweak this further to your preference:


14 years ago
18 hours ago
By eXclusiveCR7 30 November 2023 - 14:14 PM UTC 

Skin is incredible, will there be a light version?


See FAQs

18 years ago
3 months ago
By gimn85 30 November 2023 - 14:36 PM UTC 



What I will do is send you an alternative file.  The attached xml would need to go in panels/widgets folder.  This moves things around to give more prominence to the kits, but you will probably need to tweak this further to your preference:


Wow didn't expect this but many thanks


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