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christian nilsson
Hey there,
is adding custom adboards not a thing anymore? Or is that option gone?
I know that I did it a few versions ago
Hi, it's very easy and simple, check out the guy called cracvictor or so, he is working on adboards, has patreon as well and his website, it's also not too complex to do some simple ones on your own, there is a great tutorial on youtube
Bielsa is a legend
He allegedly has stolen others work from previous versions, now selling it on apparantly
I am unsure to be honest about that, I downloaded some other stuff before but his are most up to date, unless he really took some newest and compiled them, but definitely his stuff and older stuff combined make a really good combination, just it's too bad that you cannot combine fan banners and adboards without some bugs, it would be nice if SI could fix that.
Bielsa is a legend
SI wont, they have already warned against hosting / using them and threatened legal action of content hosters
I know, that generates some income for them as well so probably that is the main reason why they banned it, not sure if they would suffer any legal actions from some company if they allow modders to do that
I managed to download his pack without paying, and it's just adboards from the older versions that were on here. There is one new adboard, that has his face on it…
He has some new ones in his pack. I would go with the above advice, get hold of as many as you can and make your own custom version but don't share it. As long as it is for personal use it should be fine.
The main issue I think is no one seems to be making ivf dynamic boards, whether specifically for FM or for any other reason. Beyond that, you can take what exists already and make your own XML to get it all working.
Could you share how to setup a xml adding one PNG for a competition? That shows up like the UCL patch in the center of the pitch if that explanation makes sense. For example I want to add my own fantasy adboards to Dutch Lower Leagues, the same way FM has them officially for the Eredivisie and KKD, obviously for personal usage. Would be nice to understand how to do that.
if you refer to the logo of the competition that stands in the middle between adboards at the centre of the pitch I've never seen some tutorial on that or explanation really
If SI has not changed anything else here, this is actually quite simple.
1.Define the league / cup id - e.g. Polska 1. Liga to make them available in the specific league / cup and list all image ids you want to show here
<!-- Polska 1. Liga -->
<list id="129559">
<integer value="10013"/>
<integer value="10014"/>
<integer value="10015"/>
<!-- Polska 2. Liga Ost-->
<list id="96004089">
<integer value="10023"/>
<integer value="10024"/>
<integer value="10025"/>
<integer value="10026"/>
2. Define the image id you want to show in the middle (and opposite site) of the pitch
<!-- map the Polska 1Liga ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10013" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10014" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
<!-- map the Polska 2Liga Ost ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10023" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10024" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
<!-- map the Polska 2Liga West ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10033" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10034" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
3. Define the images id and path location (in fact the same way as with player pictures etc.)
<!-- Poland 1 Liga ads -->
<record id="10013" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/telekom_pl"/>
<record id="10014" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/stiga"/>
<record id="10015" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/adidas"/>