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FAC Wien (Austria) ID 137947
Dinamo City (Albania) - ID 2000288897
Keep the kits coming really nice work
İnegölspor (Turkey) ID 453682
Some PrvaLiga (Slovenia) Kits
Some PrvaLiga (Slovenia) Kits DownloadDownloadDownload
What are the UID's and which kits H/A/T etc?
Keep Calm.
I´m doing the League.
Slovenian PrvaLiga
KF Tirana (Albania) - ID 61
MFK Dukla Banska Bystrica kits Id: 1615
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia fisrt league in one only pack. 53 Teams in 3 division.
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia fisrt league in one only pack. 53 Teams in 3 division. https://sortitoutsi.net/media/3016917/download
In folder Algerie the following file extensions are in capsmcoran1.PNGbouarreridj2.PNGIn folder Maroc the following does not match to the config:
berrichid2.png - config shows: berrechid2
Thanks a lot… fantastic job
no italy serie A 3d 23-24 ??
São Paulo 2024 Please!
No requests here next time please.
Sao Paulo 2024 (ID: 337)
Middle orient's world: 102 teams in 7 leagues:
Saudi arabia+ UAE+ Qatar+ Syria+ Lebanon+ Irak +Iran
MFK Dukla Banska Bystrica kits Id: 1615 DownloadDownload
Are you planning to do whole Slovak league? Thanks for answer
I don't plan to, but if time allows, I might do a few more for teams.
Very nice job mate, but do you know also team's names?
Hello, I know this is not the place to make requests, but it would really be important if someone could make the Spanish second division. I have tried to do it myself but the result has not been good. Please and thank you.
FC ŠTK 1914 Šamorín (Slovakia) ID : 63011666
slovakia 2nd
1st league
1st comment
kosice 63035357
zemplin michalovce 7563783
ruzomberok 130873
skalica 63025380
2nd comment
slovan bratislava 1622
trencin 130872
spartak trnava 1623
3rd comment
vion zlate moravce 7560050
zilina 1620
podbrezova 7560016
2nd league
dolnykubin 63000888
liptovsky mikulas 63000893
malzenice 2000260278
myjava 63010727
tatran presov 1624
You'll need to Login to comment
Burak Çakıl
FAC Wien (Austria) ID 137947
Dinamo City (Albania) - ID 2000288897
Keep the kits coming really nice work
Burak Çakıl
İnegölspor (Turkey) ID 453682
marco talhadas
Some PrvaLiga (Slovenia) Kits
What are the UID's and which kits H/A/T etc?
marco talhadas
Keep Calm.
I´m doing the League.
marco talhadas
Slovenian PrvaLiga
Laurent Czerwinski
KF Tirana (Albania) - ID 61
MFK Dukla Banska Bystrica kits Id: 1615
Laurent Czerwinski
Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia fisrt league in one only pack. 53 Teams in 3 division.
In folder Algerie the following file extensions are in caps
In folder Maroc the following does not match to the config:
berrichid2.png - config shows: berrechid2
Mino Malerba
Thanks a lot… fantastic job
no italy serie A 3d 23-24 ??
São Paulo 2024 Please!
No requests here next time please.
Sao Paulo 2024 (ID: 337)
Laurent Czerwinski
Middle orient's world: 102 teams in 7 leagues:
Saudi arabia+ UAE+ Qatar+ Syria+ Lebanon+ Irak +Iran
Are you planning to do whole Slovak league?
Thanks for answer
I don't plan to, but if time allows, I might do a few more for teams.
Mino Malerba
Very nice job mate, but do you know also team's names?
Hello, I know this is not the place to make requests, but it would really be important if someone could make the Spanish second division. I have tried to do it myself but the result has not been good. Please and thank you.
FC ŠTK 1914 Šamorín (Slovakia) ID : 63011666
slovakia 2nd
1st league
1st comment
kosice 63035357
zemplin michalovce 7563783
ruzomberok 130873
skalica 63025380
2nd comment
slovan bratislava 1622
trencin 130872
spartak trnava 1623
3rd comment
vion zlate moravce 7560050
zilina 1620
podbrezova 7560016
2nd league
dolnykubin 63000888
liptovsky mikulas 63000893
malzenice 2000260278
myjava 63010727
tatran presov 1624