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TSV 1860 Rosenheim (Germany)
FC Seoul (South Korea)
Las Rozas (Spain)
Sparta Prague (Czech Republic)
MLS All-Star Team (USA)
Auckland United FC (New Zealand)
Team Wellington FC (New Zealand)
Waitakere United (New Zealand)
Canterbury United (New Zealand) The Dragons
Zalgiris Kaunas (Lithuania)
MSK Zilina (Slovakia)
Doxa Katakopias (Cyprus)
EN Paralimni (Cyprus)
@JayTea37 nice creations, do you have plans to make more fantasy kits from Austria Regional liga?
of course. any favorite teams?
For example Austria Salzburg:
Or USK Anif:
SV Grödig:
UFC Hallein:
Thanks for sharing. i am playing in Austria and like the FC12 style. It would be great if you could make the complete three regional leagues. @JayTea37
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for FC Gifu.
Home Kit - green as the main colour
Away Kit - white as the main colour
Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for FC Gifu. Home Kit - green as the main colourAway Kit - white as the main colour Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it
Here you go
I would be so grateful if someone could do H+A kits and a config file for Red Boys Aspelt (95058243) for me
Manufacturer - Hummel
Requesting for the Home to look like Denmark's World Cup 2022 jersey & the away to look like their black jersey
Sponsor - Classicfootballshirts
Kind regards 🙂
They look great! really appriecate it mate, thank you for those
Airdrieonians FC
Home | Away | Third
Dukla Prague (Czech Republic)
Hi, can we use them directly when we save them as different?
SVG Reichenau
ASK Klagenfurt
FC Traiskirchen
TUS Bad Gleichenberg
TSV ST Johann in Pongau
FC Gleisdorf 09
SC Krems
VFB Hohenems
SV Oberwart
SC Weiz
SC Neusiedl
SR Donaufeld
SC Wiener Viktoria
Wiener Sportclub
FC Marchfeld Donauen
TWL Elektra
Union Ardagger
FC FC Lustenau
FC Hard
SC Kundl
SV Wörgl
SK Ebbs
FC Lauterach
Innsbruck IAC
FC Höchst
FC KitzbĂĽhel
SK Sankt Johann in Tirol
SV Telfs
SC Admira Dornbirn
FC Egg
SV lochau
FC Nenzing
fC Raika Volders
Völser SV
FC Andelsbuch
FC Alberschwende
SC Göfis
FC Hörbranz
FC Rotenberg
SVG Bleiburg
SAK Klagenfurt
SV Hall
SC Landskron
ATUS Ferlach
Sv Kichbichl
SVG Mayrhofen
SV Oberperfuss
KAC 1909
SV Längenfeld
SV Brixen
ASK Kötmannsdorf
Union Innsbruck
SC Mils
FC Natters
SV Breitenbach
SV Umhausen
SC MĂĽnster
ATUS Velden
SPG Oberland West
yes you can :-)
Thanks Copywriter! This is indeed a great collection of some Austrian teams.
I like the collection of sponsors matching exactly to the city (minimundus klagenfurt, zillertalbahn mayrhofen, aquadome längenfeld…)
You'll need to Login to comment
TSV 1860 Rosenheim (Germany)
FC Seoul (South Korea)
Las Rozas (Spain)
Sparta Prague (Czech Republic)
MLS All-Star Team (USA)
Auckland United FC (New Zealand)
Team Wellington FC (New Zealand)
Waitakere United (New Zealand)
Canterbury United (New Zealand) The Dragons
Zalgiris Kaunas (Lithuania)
MSK Zilina (Slovakia)
Doxa Katakopias (Cyprus)
EN Paralimni (Cyprus)
@JayTea37 nice creations, do you have plans to make more fantasy kits from Austria Regional liga?
of course. any favorite teams?
For example Austria Salzburg:
Or USK Anif:
SV Grödig:
UFC Hallein:
Thanks for sharing. i am playing in Austria and like the FC12 style. It would be great if you could make the complete three regional leagues. @JayTea37
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for FC Gifu.
Home Kit - green as the main colour
Away Kit - white as the main colour
Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it
Here you go
No Totti No Party
I would be so grateful if someone could do H+A kits and a config file for Red Boys Aspelt (95058243) for me
Manufacturer - Hummel
Requesting for the Home to look like Denmark's World Cup 2022 jersey & the away to look like their black jersey
Sponsor - Classicfootballshirts
Kind regards 🙂
They look great! really appriecate it mate, thank you for those
Luis Niz
Airdrieonians FC
Home | Away | Third
Hi, can we use them directly when we save them as different?
SVG Reichenau
ASK Klagenfurt
FC Traiskirchen
TUS Bad Gleichenberg
TSV ST Johann in Pongau
FC Gleisdorf 09
SC Krems
VFB Hohenems
SV Oberwart
SC Weiz
SC Neusiedl
SR Donaufeld
SC Wiener Viktoria
Wiener Sportclub
FC Marchfeld Donauen
TWL Elektra
Union Ardagger
FC FC Lustenau
FC Hard
SC Kundl
SV Wörgl
SK Ebbs
FC Lauterach
Innsbruck IAC
FC Höchst
FC KitzbĂĽhel
SK Sankt Johann in Tirol
SV Telfs
SC Admira Dornbirn
FC Egg
SV lochau
FC Nenzing
fC Raika Volders
Völser SV
FC Andelsbuch
FC Alberschwende
SC Göfis
FC Hörbranz
FC Rotenberg
SVG Bleiburg
SAK Klagenfurt
SV Hall
SC Landskron
ATUS Ferlach
Sv Kichbichl
SVG Mayrhofen
SV Oberperfuss
KAC 1909
SV Längenfeld
SV Brixen
ASK Kötmannsdorf
Union Innsbruck
SC Mils
FC Natters
SV Breitenbach
SV Umhausen
SC MĂĽnster
ATUS Velden
SPG Oberland West
yes you can :-)
Thanks Copywriter! This is indeed a great collection of some Austrian teams.
I like the collection of sponsors matching exactly to the city (minimundus klagenfurt, zillertalbahn mayrhofen, aquadome längenfeld…)