Standard Kits Megapacks
Our Football Manager Standard Kits Megapack matches the same design as the Default Kits in Football Manager but includes all the real Kit Designs that Football Manager doesn't come with by default.
- 1,798
- 2024.04 - Released on 06 Jan 2024
![Standard Kits Megapacks](
Marie Barraclough
Really sorry if this is in the wrong place but iv scouted the forum an asked where i thought was acceptable and struggling to find an answer..
I am looking to start a new save but before i do i want the club badge and kits installed for my home village Wyke Wanderers AFC who play in the 10th tier (England) West Yorkshire premier division.
I have pics of home kit and badge but cant find anywhere the away kit but i can describe that its a red and black striped kit.
if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated 😀
Bielsa is a legend
hi Marie, it maybe best to request in the specific forum pages on this site
@Qvordrup runs the metallic logos
@bolid74 -SS style kits and 3d kits
both are really nice and helpful (but busy)
good luck with your search
Marie Barraclough
Ah right, i posted in the FC 12 kits thread, im not getting any luck with this haha
@Marie Barraclough I made logo for you, but I can't make kits. Here are two styles: standard and metallic, choose the one you will be using. Download attachments below to have full sets.
Marie Barraclough
Absolutely magical thank you very much 😀