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The sites database has been updated with FM24.3 data. I'm going to give it a day to spot any errors and then enable the data update again.
Let me know if you spot any errors in the sites database 🙂
Lebohang Mokoena
Something's wrong, because practically none of the IDs that start with 2000- appear. One of the most notable, for example, is Del Nido Jr, president of Sevilla. “Classic” IDs (the ones before the 2000- nomenclature) like Carlos Bucero (sporting director for Atletico Madrid) appears as free agent 🤔
Sorry you're absolutely right I didn't properly check it. This should be fixed within the next 12 hours.
Lebohang Mokoena
No problem 🙂
This should be fixed now 🙂
Lebohang Mokoena
Working perfectly, thanks 😀
Does anyone know when the ‘cut off’ for the last SI update was? Always like to go back and submit any changes that have happened since release.
Hello, when the release will drop, will it be compatible with real world mode?
Around 14/15 February
24.3 Data Update is live and everyone can go and make changes now 🙂
This year i've tried to reimport any that were in the 24.0 update that SI missed. However there's far more than I thought they'd be, 5676 to be exact, so i'm concerned i'm giving people too much work asking them to go through and check these.
The only comparisons where done where contracted team id and loan team id, not any dates or anything like that.
What i've done is put them under a separate status called “SI Missed” you can find them through this link on the bottom left you'll also be able to filter by your own username if you wish. This means they can still be gone through and checked for those who want to, but they're not under the pending notification and hopefully that means people don't feel too pressured by them.
Some people have ALOT so if you check some and tell me “i'm pretty sure all mine are correct and SI have simply missed them” then i'll enable them all in bulk without asking you to enable them individually.
Here are the people with the most for reference.
@Club Almagro 1256
@Matthew Salisbury 568
@Rob2312 469
@brollan 260
@wonbrz 260
@Tomasz Tomasz 230
@Marc Schweiger 152
@Jakub Špendlík 135
@Krebwy 117
@Deibitto 117
@Felipe Mateus BRASIL 91
@leitogonza 90
@LBOW6 85
Hello @Footygamer, thanks for this.
Once enabled and updated for 24.3 complete, would this be compatible with ‘real world’ game mode?
@Curtains2720 it will not initially be compatible with real world mode, but that should be ready in the next few weeks.
Thanks - I’ve gone back and cross referenced mine.
Lebohang Mokoena
Checked mine too!
Jakub Špendlík
mine is checked too
Upon review I’m fairly certain some of the changes that still haven’t been picked up by SI are missing.
Is there a way to go back and look at all our 24.0 submissions? @Footygamer
@LBOW6 Yep yours would be here and for all people it's here if you do find them please let me know so I can check why my reimport script didn't pick them up
It looks like any international changes mainly from my side…
Bielsa is a legend
what does the England file add, as it clashes with the Lower league database
Checked mine too
@TheMinsterman ? I'm pretty sure it's just points deductions?
Ah whoops I only checked loans and club contracts not international. I can double check these
Yes at the moment it just lowered Everton’s, added Forest etc.
But all league files tend to clash if they’re the same country, can never guarantee compatibility sadly.
EDIT - For clarity, I am hoping to include lower divisions in the “official” file for this year's update too.
Bielsa is a legend
Great, thanks both
Thanks - happy to help if I can ?
hearts signed 3 pre-contracts of James Penrice and Blair Spittal and Yan Dhanda
What should we choose to make this work? Choosing a "traditional" game - there are no loans, planned transfers, or even already made ones, such as those e.g. Vermeeren to Atletico. You write that the "real" selection does not work. So we should choose "alternative"? I would like to ask for detailed instructions on how to start a new career so that the squad update works as before.
@Willz72 you can submit these yourself as a “future transfer”
@s15ynwa vermeeren is in the official database do you have a real copy of the game or a crack?
real. i buy every year new edition…
Hello can you checked mine SI missed?