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Thanks Copywriter! This is indeed a great collection of some Austrian teams. I like the collection of sponsors matching exactly to the city (minimundus klagenfurt, zillertalbahn mayrhofen, aquadome längenfeld…)
Thanks Copywriter! This is indeed a great collection of some Austrian teams.
I like the collection of sponsors matching exactly to the city (minimundus klagenfurt, zillertalbahn mayrhofen, aquadome längenfeld…)
i have some more should i share it?
These are great guys.
I would love to! Thank you! i already put the others into the game and they look great!! Especially your Kärnten, Tirol and Vorarlberg focus is awesome!
@JayTea37 @Bydesouza
SV Lendorf
FC Puch
SV Seekirchen
Salzburger AK 1914
VST Völkermarkt
SK Treibach
SV Strasswakchen
SV Kuchl
SC golling
SV Bürmoos
SK Adnet
SV Kraig
TSU Bramberg
UFC Siezenheim
Sv St Jakob im Rosenthal
SV Donau Klagenfurt
ASK Kofidisch
ASK Horitschon
Union Henndorf
ASK Marz
UFV Thalgau
ASKÖ Klingenbach
I would be so grateful if someone could do H+A kits and a config file for Red Boys Aspelt (95058243) for me https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Red_Boys_Aspelt_%28logo%29.svg Manufacturer - Hummel Requesting for the Home to look like Denmark's World Cup 2022 jersey & the away to look like their black jersey Download Sponsor - Classicfootballshirts DownloadKind regards 🙂
I would be so grateful if someone could do H+A kits and a config file for Red Boys Aspelt (95058243) for me
Manufacturer - Hummel
Requesting for the Home to look like Denmark's World Cup 2022 jersey & the away to look like their black jersey
Sponsor - Classicfootballshirts
Kind regards 🙂
Here you go i hope you like them.
DownloadDownloadHere you go i hope you like them.
Thank you! You've made my day 😀
SV Schwechat
FC Stadtlau
FC Deutschkreuz
SC Bad Sauerbrunn
ASv siegendorf
SC/ESV Parndorf
SC Ritzing
SV ST Margarethen
SV Leithaprodersdorf
USV Halbturn
SV Schattendorf
SC Pinkafeld
USV Rudersdorf
SPG Edelserpentin
hello guys, can someone replicate these Team GB Olympics Tokyo 2020 kits in FC'12 please? and change adidas old logo to new logo, also change the Team GB badge to the new logo that i've attached?Thanks in advance!
11 Teamsport 1 Landesliga Nieder Österreich
ASK Kottingbrun
SC Zwettl.
SV Haitzendorf
SV Langenrohr.
ASV Schrems
SV Waidhofen / Thaya
UFC ST Peter / Au
SV Gloggnitz.
Scheiblingkirchen - Warth.
SCU Kilb
SC Korneuburg.
SG Ortmann / Oed Waldegg
SG Rohrbach - St Veit
SC Fortnuna Wiener Neustadt
1 Simmering Sc
Union Perg
SV Grün Weiss Michelsdorf
SV Bad Ischgl
SV Bad Schallerbach
SC Mannswôrth
FC 1980 Wien
ASV 13
FV Austria XIII
SC Red Star Penzing
Sk Slovan HAC
Union Mauer
FC Hellas Kagran
ASK ST Valentin
Sportunion St Martin M
SU Bad Leonfelden
SPG Pregarten
SPG Weisskirchen Allhaming
SPG Friedburg Pöndorf
@Copywriter bist du deppert sind die geil!
Thanks a lot for this great collection!
SV Lebring ASK Köflach
SC Kalsdorf
UFC Fehring
Bruck / Mur
FC Eggendorf / Hartberg amateure
SK Fürstenfeld
Union Mondsee
SV Lebring
SV Frauental
Ilzer SV
FC Schladming
Union Dietach
TUS Heiligenkreuz
Union Edelweiss Linz
UFC Ostermiething
FCU Weinland Gamlitz
SV Tillmitsch
BW Feldkirch
SV Innsbruck
FC Bizau
FC Koblach
FC Sulzberg
FC Kramsach
SK Meiningen
FC Schwarzenberg
VFB Bezau
SC Fussach
FC Riefensberg
SV Ludesch.
SV Frastranz.
SPG Grosswalsertal
FC Hittisau
FC Mistelbach
ATSV Satledt
S.V. Absam
SC Wolkersdorf
Sk Pama
SV Dellach / Gail
Sk Maria Saal
TuS Rein.
SU Rebenland
SV Sierndorf
ASK Mannersdorf.
ASV St Martin an der Raab.
FSG Oberp / Schwarzenbach
SVH Waldbach
SPG St Florian / Niedern.
FC Wipptal
SV Matrei und umg
FC Zirl
Sv Neuburg id 137955
ASKÖ Donau Linz id 137964
SV Rottenmann id 5606814
SC Ostbahn XI. id 5610002
FC Askö Gmünd id 16008944
SC Liezen id 16010539
SV Drassmarkt id 16023761
SC Brunn am Gebirge id 16032076
FC Bisamberg id 16077331
UFC Pama id 16078264
SV Oberloisdorf id 16078317.
SV Mühlgraben id 16078341
Union Roichefortoise FC id 261 Belgium
SPG Arlberg id 16074758 Austria
SV Achenkirch id 16074774 Austria
Sv Feldkirchen Kärnten id 5606891
SV Hallwang 1968 id 16001236 Austria
Askö Mittlern id 16074863 Austria
FC Rohrendord id 16077193 Austria
ATSV Salzburg id 16142540 Austria
Mattersburger SV 2020 id 2000031354 Austria
SV Stockerau id 130839 Austria
Grieskirchen id 5606910 Austria
SV Eberau id 16001029 Austria
TSV Neumarkt id 16001235 Austria
SK Schärding id 16010450
ASKÖ ST Michael Bleiberg id 16010496 Austria
WSG Radenthein id 16030747 Austria
SV 7023 Z-S-P. id 16036175 Austria
USV Gabersdorf id 16075493 Austria
SV Strass id 16075495 Austria
FC Obdach id 16075535 Austria
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for Edinburgh University.
Home Kit - green as the main colour. Colour code - #31594C
Away Kit - red as the main colour. Colour code - #DF2525
Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it
Attached the badge and a potential sponsor below.
Hi there, I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for Edinburgh University. Home Kit - green as the main colour. Colour code - #31594CAway Kit - red as the main colour. Colour code - #DF2525 Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it Attached the badge and a potential sponsor below.
Here they are:
Here they are: Download Download
These are amazing! thank you very much
Hello !Here some kits that i use for my first career in FM24.
FC Sochaux-MontbéliardI wanted a new version of the classic 2001-2002 kit (a classical from my childhood).Have fun !
Austria Fussbalclub Andau id 16078306
Austria Union Sportclub Pilgersdorf id 16009505
Austria UFC Jennersdorf id 16009506
Austria SV Rechnitz id 16011187
Austria SV Olbendorf id 16009519
AKA Tirol Austria id 16009432
FC Söll Austria id 16010553
SV Union Lind Austria id 16023777
SK ST Andrä Austria id 16036022
SC Herzogenburg Austria id 16000966
ASK Bad Vosläu Austria id 16009462
FC Bergheim Austria id 16023770
ESV St Michael Austria id 16075755
SV Heiligenkreuz Austria id 16078295
Hey guys,Is this the correct place for requesting fantasy kits as well? Do you guys take it? 🙂
If it is possible i wil take it.
AKA Vorarlberg Austria ID 16009433
Fussball Akademie Burgenland Austria ID 16009439
SV Gaissau Austria ID 16017792.
ATSV Salzburg Austria ID 16142540
You'll need to Login to comment
i have some more should i share it?
These are great guys.
I would love to! Thank you! i already put the others into the game and they look great!! Especially your Kärnten, Tirol and Vorarlberg focus is awesome!
@JayTea37 @Bydesouza
SV Lendorf
FC Puch
SV Seekirchen
Salzburger AK 1914
VST Völkermarkt
SK Treibach
SV Strasswakchen
SV Kuchl
SC golling
SV Bürmoos
SK Adnet
SV Kraig
TSU Bramberg
UFC Siezenheim
Sv St Jakob im Rosenthal
SV Donau Klagenfurt
ASK Kofidisch
ASK Horitschon
Union Henndorf
ASK Marz
UFV Thalgau
ASKÖ Klingenbach
Here you go i hope you like them.
No Totti No Party
Thank you! You've made my day 😀
SV Schwechat
FC Stadtlau
FC Deutschkreuz
SC Bad Sauerbrunn
ASv siegendorf
SC/ESV Parndorf
SC Ritzing
SV ST Margarethen
SV Leithaprodersdorf
USV Halbturn
SV Schattendorf
SC Pinkafeld
USV Rudersdorf
SPG Edelserpentin
hello guys, can someone replicate these Team GB Olympics Tokyo 2020 kits in FC'12 please?
and change adidas old logo to new logo, also change the Team GB badge to the new logo that i've attached?
Thanks in advance!
11 Teamsport 1 Landesliga Nieder Österreich
ASK Kottingbrun
SC Zwettl.
SV Haitzendorf
SV Langenrohr.
ASV Schrems
SV Waidhofen / Thaya
UFC ST Peter / Au
SV Gloggnitz.
Scheiblingkirchen - Warth.
SCU Kilb
SC Korneuburg.
SG Ortmann / Oed Waldegg
SG Rohrbach - St Veit
SC Fortnuna Wiener Neustadt
1 Simmering Sc
Union Perg
SV Grün Weiss Michelsdorf
SV Bad Ischgl
SV Bad Schallerbach
SC Mannswôrth
FC 1980 Wien
ASV 13
FV Austria XIII
SC Red Star Penzing
Sk Slovan HAC
Union Mauer
FC Hellas Kagran
ASK ST Valentin
Sportunion St Martin M
SU Bad Leonfelden
SPG Pregarten
SPG Weisskirchen Allhaming
SPG Friedburg Pöndorf
@Copywriter bist du deppert sind die geil!
Thanks a lot for this great collection!
SV Lebring ASK Köflach
SC Kalsdorf
UFC Fehring
Bruck / Mur
FC Eggendorf / Hartberg amateure
SK Fürstenfeld
Union Mondsee
SV Lebring
SV Frauental
Ilzer SV
FC Schladming
Union Dietach
TUS Heiligenkreuz
Union Edelweiss Linz
UFC Ostermiething
FCU Weinland Gamlitz
SV Tillmitsch
BW Feldkirch
SV Innsbruck
FC Bizau
FC Koblach
FC Sulzberg
FC Kramsach
SK Meiningen
FC Schwarzenberg
VFB Bezau
SC Fussach
FC Riefensberg
SV Ludesch.
SV Frastranz.
SPG Grosswalsertal
FC Hittisau
FC Mistelbach
ATSV Satledt
S.V. Absam
SC Wolkersdorf
Sk Pama
SV Dellach / Gail
Sk Maria Saal
TuS Rein.
SU Rebenland
SV Sierndorf
ASK Mannersdorf.
ASV St Martin an der Raab.
FSG Oberp / Schwarzenbach
SVH Waldbach
SPG St Florian / Niedern.
FC Wipptal
SV Matrei und umg
FC Zirl
Sv Neuburg id 137955
ASKÖ Donau Linz id 137964
SV Rottenmann id 5606814
SC Ostbahn XI. id 5610002
FC Askö Gmünd id 16008944
SC Liezen id 16010539
SV Drassmarkt id 16023761
SC Brunn am Gebirge id 16032076
FC Bisamberg id 16077331
UFC Pama id 16078264
SV Oberloisdorf id 16078317.
SV Mühlgraben id 16078341
Union Roichefortoise FC id 261 Belgium
SPG Arlberg id 16074758 Austria
SV Achenkirch id 16074774 Austria
Sv Feldkirchen Kärnten id 5606891
SV Hallwang 1968 id 16001236 Austria
Askö Mittlern id 16074863 Austria
FC Rohrendord id 16077193 Austria
ATSV Salzburg id 16142540 Austria
Mattersburger SV 2020 id 2000031354 Austria
SV Stockerau id 130839 Austria
Grieskirchen id 5606910 Austria
SV Eberau id 16001029 Austria
TSV Neumarkt id 16001235 Austria
SK Schärding id 16010450
ASKÖ ST Michael Bleiberg id 16010496 Austria
WSG Radenthein id 16030747 Austria
SV 7023 Z-S-P. id 16036175 Austria
USV Gabersdorf id 16075493 Austria
SV Strass id 16075495 Austria
FC Obdach id 16075535 Austria
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone could please make me a new home and away kit for Edinburgh University.
Home Kit - green as the main colour. Colour code - #31594C
Away Kit - red as the main colour. Colour code - #DF2525
Full creative freedom so have at it. Would really appreciate it
Attached the badge and a potential sponsor below.
Here they are:
These are amazing! thank you very much
Hello !
Here some kits that i use for my first career in FM24.
FC Sochaux-Montbéliard
I wanted a new version of the classic 2001-2002 kit (a classical from my childhood).
Have fun !
Austria Fussbalclub Andau id 16078306
Austria Union Sportclub Pilgersdorf id 16009505
Austria UFC Jennersdorf id 16009506
Austria SV Rechnitz id 16011187
Austria SV Olbendorf id 16009519
AKA Tirol Austria id 16009432
FC Söll Austria id 16010553
SV Union Lind Austria id 16023777
SK ST Andrä Austria id 16036022
SC Herzogenburg Austria id 16000966
ASK Bad Vosläu Austria id 16009462
FC Bergheim Austria id 16023770
ESV St Michael Austria id 16075755
SV Heiligenkreuz Austria id 16078295
Hey guys,
Is this the correct place for requesting fantasy kits as well? Do you guys take it? 🙂
If it is possible i wil take it.
AKA Vorarlberg Austria ID 16009433
Fussball Akademie Burgenland Austria ID 16009439
SV Gaissau Austria ID 16017792.
ATSV Salzburg Austria ID 16142540