
HI everyone.
thank you all .
This is just work, I like to help my friends in the FM community.
Virtual-Skin-v24.5.6 (Final)
- Change home overview panel .
- Change player overview panel .
- Option to view hidden attributes .
- Change Match overview panel .
My YouTube channel : https://youtube.com/@virtual_manager?si=XfVazl_pQJLeFB3I
X link : https://x.com/VirtualManagerx
Facebook link :
CREDITS for bits and pieces, idea's, help and other stuff
in no specific order
- TCS Skin
- sas skin
- OPZ skin
- just skin
- DD22
- Tangfu Skin
- Tad Twenty
- Rensie skin
- tato skin
- Statman
- Mustermann Iconic
- Flut
- Andromeda skin
- YACS skin
- and many more!
Big thanks to these people for providing this skin with such quality.
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thanks for your advice
As you can see, he doesnt even understand your post..
All he does is lie, steal and pretend he hasnt done anything.
if it was a panel here and there, i could not care less, But he has taken whole pages and as @Nicolas Yurchuk previously said, he just shuffeled the panel around now and ofc if makes no different.
it not just me he's stolen/taken pages from - @Just Howie and @gimn85 and probably many more
and i doubt anyone can help him from here, the path he's taken has a long way back.
but it's never too late to change and do the right thing
You're not doing yourself any favours responding to other people but not me 🙂
In my opinion, as long as skin creators cannot (or do not) somehow register their works (as music composers do at PRS for Music or Soundreef), these things will go on happening.
it is impossible. skins are very similar to a car with 4 wheels. many things are very logical and therefore will be repeated in most skins. the author of this compilation drew attention to himself not by the fact of borrowing.
Great skin. I'm enjoying the visuals and content of this skin. Which is what it's all about , enjoying a good fm24 skin. Loving the additions
Thanks bro
New update 24.6.1 there are no faces in player profiles matey
Don't worry, I will look into the problem and fix it
Thank you
Fixed, you can try
Hi, there is no player pic top left in player screen. There's a tiny pic in centre
it Fixed now
@A.Salah91 you seem to have ignored my post while continuing to update the Skin, could you please respond to my comments on page 3.
To be abundantly clear i've been asked by others who's work you've used to delete this post and rather than do so i've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that it was an honest mistake as well as ample opportunity to make amends. Deciding to completely ignore me only adds to the initial disrespect you showed the community and adds weight to requests for this to be deleted.
Bielsa is a legend
Do the right thing @Footygamer he is acting like an arrogant pr#ck
I understand and acknowledge what is happening here and I am trying to correct what happened in the driver in a better way so that it will not happen again. I am now learning how to make leather more professionally and contribute to society.
Sorry for what happened in the past .
I'm not arrogant but sometimes comments don't appear
I apologize for any distress or inconvenience I caused to anyone
Bielsa is a legend
Says it all, absolutely no recognition of your plagiarism
Robert punshon
hello mate, what facepack do you have?
Plagiarizing is copying someone else's work and taking credit or saying that it is your own. Simply put, plagiarism is fraud, since you are practically stealing someone else's ideas or design. In this concept, we are talking about an exact copy or with very few modifications of an idea that already exists. From a legal point of view, plagiarism is an infringement of copyright on an artistic or intellectual work of any kind, which is incurred when another's work is presented as one's own or original.
On the other hand, inspiration is used to land an idea. It serves as a resource to help in research or in the way of solving a problem through observation and analysis of other people's work. In this way, a new design opportunity and/or a new solution to the problem is identified.
As you can see, inspiration differs greatly from plagiarism. Inspiration serves as a reference to create a new idea and plagiarism is simply taking an idea and taking credit for it.
The creators of the skins on which this one was created have been credited in the opening post. And that is enough, in my opinion. If there were copyright in the middle of all this, the issue would be different.
If you mean the facet of the players, it is the facet of DF 11
It is not plagiarism:
• To express or present original work or ideas.
• To present a compilation of results from an original investigation.
• Common knowledge or "public knowledge", which are facts or ideas that can be found in many places and are known by many people. It is knowledge created/disseminated by society. In this case it is not necessary to cite the source used.
How can you avoid plagiarism?
Giving credit to all the material used in a job, which has been done in the OP.
Hi mate, the match sharpness/condition % was removed in the latest fix. Was this intentional?
When OP steals a complete skin and use it as base(my skin, including my credit list) without any credit to start with and further more denies it - thats stealing
He also stole complete pages with everything attacted from other skins - again without any credits
If you can't see that this is wrong, then you should take your little brother's arm and learn how to behave.
@Footygamer - I can't understand how you can let something like this happend and not just removes it from your site.
There are so much evidence that shows that he's stolen everything and mixed it like a moron for easy credit and YT / twitter trafic, while he hasnt asked any of us for permission to use or take stuff..
As I has stated before in one of my replies to this post, he has credited your work. I have read your statements, but it seems you have barely read mine.
Oh, and thanks for your advice on how to behave. However, you do not really know me at all as to give advice to me in that sense. I just gave my opinion and showed how I think about the subject of all this, stating why I don't think this is plagiarism and when you cannot charge someone on having done it. If that makes you think what you said about me, that's ok, but trying to tell me how to “behave”, goes beyond the limits. I gave my opinion and said why it is like that. I respect your view but do not agree with it. The least I expect is that my opinion is also respected and that I'm not told what to do simply because someone doesn't agree with my way of seeing things.
Ok, I just have to say this. This guys skin has to be one of the best out there. I have used Sas skin up until this one. Ok, he may be using parts from all the skins out there to make it, but he makes it work well. I have checked the OP, he has given credit to all the skin makers he has taken his ideas/panels/graphics from. I also get the impression that English is not his first language, so he may be having difficulty understanding what he has done wrong. Asking the site to remove the skin is very harsh imho. Anyway, that is my thoughts, I love this skin and i am looking forward to other updates.
@Azrael whether or not it fits the exact definition of plagiarism isn't the point, we're not the police or a court of law. We're a community and you need to follow the basic standards of the community and be seen to give more than you try to take otherwise you're not welcome.
He used another skin as a base and copy and pasted everything about it even it's description and credits and didn't give that skin credit, if we was just posting as a forum topic you might call it forgetful, but he managed to remember many other things like recording a YouTube channel to show it off, which makes it seem like he's not forgetful he simply didn't care, or at least cared more about promoting himself than anything else, which makes him seem like a bad member of the community. Later when called out on this he was argumentative before adding the smallest possible credit made up of 8 extra characters. Quite rightly this has pissed off other people mostly sasmaz the author of the file he took.
People have now asked for the post to be deleted as punishment, I agree that some sort of “punishment” is due otherwise we're just accepting the initial actions as okay. I've suggested that as “punishment” he should share what changes he's made and how he's made them in such a way that would reassure other creators that he has put in significant effort and that would act as a tutorial for other people wanting to learn how to do the same. I think this is a nice, creative and fair “punishment” and that if he was smart about it would actually help him alot.
But instead he completely ignored my posts and made me ask 3 times, then when he did respond he completely ignored the suggestion and gave the most basic “i'm sorry it won't happen again” response as if i'm his mother and he's a 13 year old boy, which he might well be for all I know.
That feels like a slap in the face when I could have easily sided with the people he took from but instead have gone out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to make amends.
Having said that English clearly isn't his first language and he clearly does have enthusiasm and some basic talent which could improve over time so I want to give him the opportunity to turn things around.
@A.Salah91 in order to make amends please update the description to give more detail about what changes you've made and how you've made them including a some basic instructions with before and after code samples that could help other people in your position who are eager to learn how to make skins. If you are unable to do so and can't offer a good reason, or if you simply refuse because you don't want to i'm going to side with those people who are asking for it to be deleted.
I think that's fair.
Fair point on the behave part, my bad.
But it seems that alot of ppl still don't get it.
You can't just steal a complete skin and call it your own, which is the case here and or complete pages without atleast asking beforehand if it's okay to use it and if you get a no, then respect it and make your own.
OP denied from the start that he “Stole/took” anything that wasnt his making
The whole base of this “skin” is my skin, my work, my 1000's of hours(4 years of making) - there are whole pages stolen from Mustermann and Justskin also without asking for permission (from what i can understand)
OP even copy'd my credit list without adding the ppl he stole/took pages / panels from
He never replied to me telling me what ppl on the credit list did or contributed with or how he added certain things that is still part of the skin and only found in mine this way
But i guess our words mean nothing as long as ppl get something to use for a FM and then whine the next years that skins vanish as skin makers stop making it public.
@parsdaft1982 - If you've used my skin, you'll know the base of this is mine.
the funniest thing in this situation is that if the author had not been too lazy to understand the code that he stole, this discussion would not have happened. it would be another, banal and unremarkable dark skin not worthy of discussion