sasmaz Activity
yes, but you'll have to add the option to the files said above and create the graphics that will do the % you would like check graphics\boxes\overlaythats the current options
file = options_panelline 885 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true" from the % you want insteadFile = containerline 21 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true" from the % you want insteadFile = overlaysline 25 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true" from the %...
Please do.Then we can start talking about taking this skin down once again as the “creator” has started re-adding things from my skin without even bother to ask for permission. Again just like when he stole the entirety of my skin (read previous post...
🙂This “thief” hasnt made any of this himself, everything is stolen from other skins. and even tho he may claim otherwise, just scroll far enough back in the comments and there are plenty of evidence. So don't envy this, be better!.
as it's not my skin (maybe it's a frankenstein) i can't tell you the name 100%but you can look in “match in between highlights panel” and that way locate the selector file that has all the panels, that way you should be able to locate the file you need to...
Can you show a screenshot ?also are we talking laptop or desktop versionand which resolution are you using
i'm sorry, but i'm unable to help you as i have no idea what changes you have madea better place is to go and seek help and advice in the SI Skinning forum
In the settings folder is a settings file, search for “bg” and change the value to something darker
As i'm not 100% sure where you mean, i have added these 2 pictures. look at red circles if it's not one of these places, please show me where you mean...
good question, Instant result are 2 places just before you enter a match on the tactic screen top rightwhen you are in a match, click the cog (top right) and then the whistle in the menu that shows
There is a Mod in the Mod folder you an copy into the skin and the tactics will be deletedread the FAQ
I don't have that resolution, so it's impossible of me to test.and to make things harder, i havnt done any skinning since march. but your right, you kinda onl have 3 options, Fix it yourself - go to SI skinning hideout and ask "GIMN" how you adj...
The only fix is to adjust the dots to your resolution yourself. (not easy tbh)i could only adjust/make it to the 3 resolutions i could test myself.
Laptop version does not have the pizza chart.
It's already there, you can add it to the line yourself, just right click the line and pick the option you'll see that has no name in Fitness and injuries If you don't have it and/or don't have...
The Skin uses the default Siluettes, so when used a kit pack with slim jersey's it looks odd.I “think” that you need to locate the default path for the siluettes in the base game and create the same path in the skin and make the siluettes transparent.But...
in the player folder, but it can be in subfolders aswell it all depends on how the creator has made'll have to look in the “player overview panel” file and follow the path to where the jersey is stored
where is who?i said you could look at other skins and if you found one where it didnt block name and number, you could try and replace my code with the code they use
about the font, i can't help you there as i can't remember..i havnt done any coding since march 😢 about the side barit would be easier for you to use my sidebar menu table and work the new changes into that
I just checked and it's the same in my game aswell,all i can say is that it's one of those unlucky incidents where i'm not sure it can be fixed as it's the way the jersey has been made if you see another skin where it looks better, you can alwats try...
sry i linked the wrong one. isnt it the gold colour we are talking about ? that i use for menu's ?
1st - 2nd - try and look here - Sas24.March\graphics\tabs\standar...
the filenames are there,
you have to replace the code with one that shows it like you want, i believe Tato has one that works better then what i used, i didnt bother changing it tbh.
Q: The % isnt showing.A - Go to preferences - untick "use caches for faster loading" then clear the cache (bottom left "reset dropdown"), pick skin, reload skin, restart game and the % will return - Changing skin may cause it to vanish then ju...
We do not have any means to control what the dugout popup shows or how long it stays. if you feel something is missing from the popup's it down to a game issue (may be a cache issue)so what i would suggest is clear the cache from the preference menu...
file = options_panelline 885 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true" from the % you want instead File = containerline 21 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true" from the % you want instead File = overlaysline 25 add hidn="true"remove hidn="true"...
The Skin is made and optimized for 1920x1080 - so yea, things will look wonky at other resolutions.
panels\player\FME\tabs\custom\playerhid scouting.xml
you can download the zip packed skin and then unzip itthen you head over to SI official skinning forum and ask for advise on general skinning but in the settings file, you change the current bg colour to whiteand then you start crying as there are so...
you can change the colour of the skin by editing the settings filelook for fg and bg and then just play around with the wanted colour
okay, maybe they fixed it.I didnt look into it in FM24.
it's a “unknown” issue, as it also happend in FM23.Most skins went away from showing kits on the player popup as a result, i desided to just live with it as there was no solution for it..
If the kits don't show a number, then it's because the player currently havnt been given a number, by default it would have shown number 0 - but i changed it to show nothing. it's not a bug 🙂
Some ppl experience lag caused by the 2 tactics at the bottom of the match can read the FAQ and see how you can remove them, it's easy as it's just 1 file you hav e to copy over from the MOD folder. it's usally only when watching others pl...
The animated lineup has been changed and the music is still there, make sure you have the music turned on in the preferences
The download button works fine for me when i click it, try another browser or turn off any adblocker
sas24.march.2.fmf for desktopssas24.mar.2_laptop.fmf for laptops
pick overview profil and you see it. To have it as default, go into preferences and in the search bar at the top, search for landing page and change it from attribute to profil, that will swap it around
You should be able to use it yes. this is all info i have, so i hope it makes sense for you.. it's taken from a Discord reply, so not something i've tried The folder to drop the skin in should be/home/deck/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2252570...
remember to download a stadium pack (not a background pack)
it's rare that you can "just" remove a panel, without having to adjust the panels around itbut in your case i would probably go on the SI skinning forum and ask in the creators skin thread or in the Random and small questions thread
it is not, the whole lower part is from the WTCS skin 🙂 OP has just changed the top part
Now you're just compairing the WTSC player profil where you changed the top part. it's hard to keep track of … isnt it 🙂 But thats not my fight. i just wanted to help you keep things correct as this comparison has nothing to do with me or my s...
I was made aware of this by a comment made in the SI Skinning forum by @Just Howie days before you where called out and then pm'd meif you like i can grab the comment and date and compare it to the date of which you PM'ed me here ? Anyway - i've chec...
Fair point on the behave part, my bad. But it seems that alot of ppl still don't get it.You can't just steal a complete skin and call it your own, which is the case here and or complete pages without atleast asking beforehand if it's okay to use it a...
When OP steals a complete skin and use it as base(my skin, including my credit list) without any credit to start with and further more denies it - thats stealing He also stole complete pages with everything attacted from other skins - again without a...
As you can see, he doesnt even understand your post.. All he does is lie, steal and pretend he hasnt done anything. if it was a panel here and there, i could not care less, But he has taken whole pages and as @Nicolas Yurchuk previously said, h...
@Footygamer as it seems that you're the only one that can make the decision on whether a item should stay or go on this site.all i can say is that even tho it's clear that this user has "taken/stolen/borrowed" 99% of his skin from various skins, and...
Yes i do! - The panels are still from my skin that you just rearranged and changed the graphics for the outline of the headline instead of my outlines i'll just mention a few things that age in green - i'm the only one that has thatHG-date = hom...