FMV Logos Megapack
- 262,053
- 2025.05 - Released on 04 Mar 2025

Installation Instructions
Step 1) Where to put Football Manager Graphics
Once you've downloaded a Football Manager Graphic Pack and extracted it you should be left with a single folder on your computer. You're going to need to move that folder into a special location where Football Manager can find it.
Apple: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Mac
You will need to copy the folder to this location:
/Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics
You may find it difficult to find this exact location, to make it easier, use the following instructions:
a) Open Finder
b) Click “Go” from the menubar and select “Go to Folder” (alternatively press Shift+CMD+G)
c) Copy in the following: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/
d) Open the “Football Manager 2022” folder
e) Open the “graphics” folder (or created it if it doesn't exist)
f) Move the downloaded files into the ”graphics" folder
Windows: Where to put the FM Graphic Packs on Windows
Simply move the folder to the following location:
Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2022/graphics
What if I don't have a graphics folder?
If you don't have a “graphics” folder simply create it 🙂
What if the downloaded files ends with .zip, .rar, .7z
If you have a file that ends in .zip, .rar or .7z then you'll need to extract the files before installing them. These files are called “archives” and are a way to compress a folder into a single file for downloading but you'll need to open them and get the folder that's in them before installing. DO NOT put these files in your graphics folder, it won't work.
Extract the files first and then put the extracted files into your graphics folder. If you're not sure how to extract them, look at these guides for windows or for mac.
What if the downloaded files are in parts e.g. “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc
If you have downloaded a pack in multiple parts ending in “part01.rar”, “part02.rar” etc then you do not have to extract them all individually. Just extract “part01.rar” and the rest should all be extracted automatically.
Step 2) How to refresh graphics in Football Manager
Unfortunately even though you have the folder in the right place Football Manager won't automatically pick up the new files. You're going to have to go in and tell Football Manager to reload your graphics.
Simply follow these instructions:
a) Open Football Manager
b) Click Preferences on the start screen (or if you're already in a game FM Logo > Preferences)
c) Click the “Advanced” tab
d) On the right hand side select “interface”
e) Scroll down the Skin Heading
f) Uncheck “Use caching to decrease page loading times”
g) Tick “Reload skin when confirming changes to preferences”

h) Click “Reload Skin”

And now your graphics should be appearing.
You should go back into the preferences and follow the same steps but this time tick “Use caching to decrease page loading times”, this will help with the long term performance of the game, but needed to be unticked to install these graphics.
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FMV Logos Update 7
FMV Logos Update 8
Can I ask what skin you're using with these and what logos you have downloaded for the front of the kits to show on the club info screen? It looks great!
Hi mate
All the logos are the FMV style which can be downloaded here. We have completely changed the entire pack for FM23 and it has resulted in a big improvement in quality. Nearly 79,000 logos now.
The skin is for FM22 which is Material and I believe the FM23 version is also available to download here.
The kits are FMG Kits which are available to download by clicking HERE
You will need to register for the kits.
I've switched a few logos from the alternatives folder into the normal folder and obviously renamed them however for some reason I just cannot get them to show up in the game and it continues to show the original logo that was in the normal folder even though i've replaced it. Any ideas?
Make sure to remove the alt, retro or fantasy text at the end of the ID number for each logo you're moving across. Then copy, paste and replace each logo including the @2x sizes.
Once you've done that simply reload the skin and all should work fine.
I always keep a copy of the originals incase I want to switch back.
Ah figured it would be something simple. Didn't realise you had to move the 2x files as well.
Thanks for the help.
why Man UTD logo not shown
The CF Belenenses logo in the megapack is the same as it's breakaway club, B-SAD, when it should be different. Have I got the wrong version of the pack? if not might be something to change, cheers
Hi i dont know what im doing wrong. I download the file for the badges and put them in the graphic folder but then when I reload skins it makes all the badges revert to the basic look. Im not sure if im downloading the wrong file or not.
Hey @Derek ,
first I want to say that the pack is very good when it comes to quality and quantity.
Thank you for your work!
Using the logos pack, I saw a mistake in the Hajduk Split (first croatian league) badge. There are missing the two stripes on both sides.
I would appreachiate it, if you fix it because it is my favorite club. Thank you in advance!
@jt.sufc Sorry mate I don't check in here often. If you download the updates here or FMG it should be corrected.
@CevapUnited I'll add this to the update for February thanks.
FMV Logos by FMG Update 2023.05
What to download FMV logos or the TCM logos?
seems like there are many more logos in FMV… true?
Both very good packs. I believe FMV has considerably more logos but I stand to be corrected.
FMV Logos Update 6
Bonjour, bizarrement les logos des clubs brésiliens n’apparaissent pas ?!?!
Sebastian Corban
@Derek can you please change Dinamo Bucuresti's logo ? The logo that can now be found in all the logo packs on this website has never been used in real life. The club is still using the old logo with the 2 red dogs as seen below .
The Odds BK logo (1365) in this pack is the old one that was changed in 2020
Thanks both are updated in the first update.
i installed it, didi everything right but instead of adding the missing logos, all logos dissapeared. even the originally licensed ones like man city and brighton, did i do something wrong ❔
Aaron Johnston1
Having some difficulty getting logos for club badges to show on the league table.
I used the FMG standard logos and FMV logos also, but can't get either to show properly in game.
Anyone know the best way to resolve this?
Uwe Seeler
@Derek Hi, I am currently preparing a Japanese lower league save und would like to give a club a custom badge. Are there any steps I could follow to make my logo into the FMV style or do you not share steps/templates? Thank you.
Post it here and I'll make it for you.
Uwe Seeler
Thank you!
Hey guys! I've been wandering… is there a way to use simple flags to represent nations instead of those annoying crests? That was actually a norm in this pack for older editions of FM if I'm not mistaken?
Here you go.
Do you want to remove the logos completely or just have flags visible in certain areas?
102423 - Brasileirão Serie A new logo
Hey @Derek download link seems to be broken.