The table should run on Windows 10 x64 with Cheat Engine 7.5 or later. For further information, see Read Me!.
Supported platforms: Standard Edition on Epic Games, PC GamePass, and Steam
- You need Cheat Engine to run this table, get it from ( https://www.cheatengine.org/ )
- Can be marked as false positive, the file is 100% safe.
- Open this zip file using WinRAR ( https://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0 )
- Enable 'Disable Dark Mode support' on Cheat Engine for an optimal viewing experience. (Edit -> Settings -> Disable Dark Mode support)
- More Currency data types.
- Released for game version 24.4.1. (https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/topic/589792-football-manager-2024-to-remain-available-until-march-2025/)
- Currency data type now works with the game Currency Exchange Rate.
- Rewrote Contract Bonuses & Clauses script.
- Allow item export/import (single/all items) for Accelerate Player Development.
- Allow item export/import (single/all items) for On-Match Player Ability Modifier.
- Cancel All Transfer Offers script.
- Incorrect offsets in Nation section.
- Destroy Team script only affect Match Sharpness.
- Contract Bonuses & Clauses won't updated when changing person.
- Install Cheat Engine ( https://www.cheatengine.org/downloads.php )
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
- Award Editor.
- Club Editor.
- Competition Editor.
- Continent Editor.
- Nation Editor.
- Person (Player / Staff / Manager) Editor.
- Stadium Editor.
- Work Permit Rules Editor.
- Unlockables (from FM Touch) for manager.
- All Players Interested.
- Unlimited Scouting.
- Attribute Masking.
- Mass edit.
- Legend Players clone preset.
- Most features from IGE are included.
- Useful tools like Comparison GUI and Mini Scouting Tool.
- Support multi-languages (English, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish).
- Support multi-currency types (ARS $, AUD $, BRL R$, CNY ¥, EUR €, IDR Rp, GBP £, HKD $, JPY ¥, KRW ₩, KWD KD, MXN $, PHP ₱, RUB руб, SGD $, THB ฿, TRY TL, USD $, UYU $, VND ₫)
- Always make a backup to your game, which many bugs are not yet known.
- Values are not immediately updated after editing, you need to Continue the game to see the result.
- Editing Attributes will require adjustment on CA/PA, make sure to view RCA after editing.
- RCA is not 100% accurate (Only consider player's Natural Position).
- It's not recommended to have over 5 items in Freezer, which will affect CPU's performance.
- Sometimes Remove Unhappiness (Club Preset) can crash the game.
- Do not use Terminate Contract to yourself or the game will crash on Continue.
- Dark Byte
- FRF Forum
- Sortitoutsi.net
- tfigment
- mece
- EpicBirdi
- aSwedishMagyar
If you like this table and would like to support me, you can buy me some coffee by donating. So I can spare more time and motivation into this, although I can't offer too much aside from table and features request as I want to keep this table free of charge.
Get early-access table and exclusive features here:
- Patreon (World Wide) - https://www.patreon.com/tdg6661
- PayPal (World Wide) - https://paypal.me/tdg6661
- KaryaKarsa (Indonesia) - https://karyakarsa.com/tdg6661
- Fearless Revolution - https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=26304
- Sortitoutsi - https://sortitoutsi.net/content/63837/football-manager-2024-egwssteam
Password: tdg6661
The options marked in black are currently unavailable. Please be patient while we update.
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Are you planning to add other hidden attributes to attributes booster?
Carcarlo Pravettoni
good mornig to all! let my feedback: v24.4.0 update 13 destroy team not working again :-(
Can you add career plans to players that dont have any career plans if you are a supporter on patreon?
What's the password of zip file?
hey can you fix where i change the name for a player and another player with the same name change, for example if i change a person with a second name Ronaldo to Rivaldo, all the player with Ronaldo will turn to Rivaldo like "Cristiano Rivaldo" instead of Cristiano Ronaldo
dinos coik
Hello @tdg6661 but the password requested by winrar "TDG6661" tells me that it is incorrect, can I have a solution ?
I think it is all lowercase - tdg6661
hello, there is a way to become a nation manager in the editor?
Daxit Borisagar
Hello @tdg6661 i want to purchase premium version of the table but I'm unable to make payment on the 3 methods you've provided. Is there anywhere else I can make payment?
Hello, since I modified my club's budget and the transfer budget, the game crashes every matchday. Do you have a solution?
Malik Šehović
How do I move players from one club to another club
Канал удалён
It's asking for a password when I am trying to extent files from zip
Carcarlo Pravettoni
password is at the end of the post. See there!
Do you freeze [X] the budget option or simply modify its value?
You can also find the backup if you enable the game's autosave option.
the statistics of my edited players drop after a week or 2 weeks or something like that, I change current ability and potential ability, I also change hidden attributes to make the player develop faster but still the statistics and real current ability drop, only one of my edited players does not have stats dropping, and the 5 I edited get their stats downgraded
Hello, why does it take so long to load the table? It hasn't loaded in about 20 minutes, I'm using it on the fm24.4 epic version. Does anyone else take longer to load the table?
Can it be used to delete the winner from the tournament history because I have a recurring year date as shown in the pictures?
I tried to change the national team nickname, but now all national teams have the same nickname. How can I fix this?
how to change language in cheat table,its difficult to find the button
hello,@tdg6661,i want to remove the Division Rules【B teams are not allow to be promoted from this division】,but now can only change some details,is this technically achievable without reopen a new game?if its technically achievable,can i get this fix if i upgrade to Star Player on Patreon?
is it possible to register all players for the tournament or just the ones you need
Egor Scherbinin
Is there going to be a 24.4.1 version? installed today and now the previous version is not compaditable
Onur Esim
Hello, can you update the application to the new version?
need new version 24.4.1
ahmet bayezıd
Update pls
Table is updated!
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Go to the first page to download
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Get the exclusive table here:
Patreon (World Wide) - https://www.patreon.com/tdg6661
KaryaKarsa (Indonesia) - https://karyakarsa. com/tdg6661
Sorry, but the only way we can edit the competition rules is through the Pre-Game Editor, which will also require you to play a new game.
Thank you for updating this @tdg6661. Just wondering how often / if you'll keep updating the cheat table for FM24 for the time it's out? I'm only asking because I love using these tables and it would be so cool to see what else you can add to this.
I'll aslo be happier to keep subscribing to you monthly on patreon if I know it will get updated frequently.
Hey @tdg6661 , table doesnt works for me, now it doesnt seems to see fm24 file or something, i cant “true” the run table or anything.
Do you know anything, and now i dont see any “lua” pop-up, maybe i deactivated it 😢
You forgot the free kick option in accelerate player development