Mister Kolla
14 years ago
4 months ago
Donated - good cause and best of luck pal.
Deleted Account #151676
By Colonel Mustard | Permalink | On 08 April 2013 - 15:29 PM
Donated - good cause and best of luck pal.

Thanks mate, much appreciated!
Deleted Account #151676
I've just signed us up to do the Birmingham Walkathon on the 19th of next month as a final big test before we do the really big walk 11 days later. I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in taking part? we could make a Susie team which could be fun as well as potentially good for the site, as Birmingham is more or less right in the centre of the country it shouldn't be that difficult for people to get to.

More info here Free Radio Walkathon
Deleted Account #151676
Just done 16.4 miles and not feeling too bad other than a bit of a groin strain.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Stop tugging it then.
Deleted Account #151676
By Vercoe | Permalink | On 24 April 2013 - 19:44 PM
Stop tugging it then.http://www.tubeplus.me/player/781179/Charmed/season_6/episode_1/Valhalley_of_the_Dolls:_Part_1/

I'll keep that in mind but no promises.

I'm off to close the savings account we've been using to save the money for train tickets, B&B tariffs etc today, I can't believe the walks only five weeks away now.
As it's getting so close now I'm renewing my fundraising efforts as I've slacked off a bit recently, so if anyone can make a donation, no matter how much it will be truly appreciated and for a great charity that has helped out my misses a lot in the last few years. the link to donate online or by text is in my sig.
Deleted Account #151676
Less than a month to go now.

Got another newspaper interview on Tuesday which will hopefully kick start fundraising again in these last few weeks, I think we have everything sorted now for the trip which is a weight off, I've even been sticking to eating healthily which really is a first.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Have you noticed any differences since you started training then?
Deleted Account #151676
By Vercoe | Permalink | On 05 May 2013 - 11:33 AM
Have you noticed any differences since you started training then?

Yeah, I've noticed I don't get tired easily any more, I did a 12 hour shift at work yesterday from 5.30am to 5.30pm which is behind a counter so I was standing up the entire time, and then walked the three miles or so home but still wasn't worn out really. a few months ago I would have been slouched over the counter downing can after can of red bull just to get through the shift. I suspect the improved diet is to thank for that.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Brilliant mate, keep at it!
Deleted Account #151676
13 years ago
5 months ago
48p? Do the only people who buy that paper have loose change they want rid of?
Deleted Account #151676
By RhylFCKiko | Permalink | On 16 May 2013 - 21:14 PM
48p? Do the only people who buy that paper have loose change they want rid of?

Yes the price, that's what I wanted you to notice.
Deleted Account #151676
Just completed the Birmingham walkathon.


I'm still feeling surprisingly energetic which bodes well the mega walk in a couple of weeks.
Deleted Account #151676
Just ten days to go now, all the important stuff is sorted now (I think) which means I can focus on building our fundraising total even higher, currently we're at £454.55, a large percentage of that is donations from this website which I'm extremely grateful for.
If you haven't donated already, please do, it's for a very worthy cause to go towards helping the 800,000 people in the UK and million worldwide who suffer with Epilepsy, even if you have donated already and can spare another few pounds that would be fantastic.

You can donate HERE or by text by texting RKKA87 to 70070 followed by your donation amount.

Thank you
Deleted Account #151676
Well, setting off tomorrow, I can't believe it's come around already.

Wish us luck! (we're going to need it)
12 years ago
4 years ago
All the best mate!
18 years ago
1 week ago
13 years ago
8 years ago
Break a leg Rick!
18 years ago
3 months ago
Good luck mate, all for a good cause!
12 years ago
4 years ago
12 years ago
4 years ago
13 years ago
9 months ago
18 years ago
3 months ago
How did it go?
Deleted Account #151676
We finished yesterday evening, it went ok although I will admit I found it tougher going than I thought I would, particularly Wednesday and Thursday which involved several climbs to over 500ft.
Kayla struggled throughout as she popped a blister and pulled the loose skin off, unfortunately half the good skin on that toe came with it which got infected and caused her some severe pain as she walked, but to her credit she soldiered on.

I'll upload some photos when we get home tomorrow.
12 years ago
4 years ago
By Rick87 | Permalink | On 08 June 2013 - 08:11 AM
We finished yesterday evening, it went ok although I will admit I found it tougher going than I thought I would, particularly Wednesday and Thursday which involved several climbs to over 500ft.
Kayla struggled throughout as she popped a blister and pulled the loose skin off, unfortunately half the good skin on that toe came with it which got infected and caused her some severe pain as she walked, but to her credit she soldiered on.

I'll upload some photos when we get home tomorrow.

No offense but we don't want to see photos of an infected toe
16 years ago
4 years ago
By Vercoe | Permalink | On 08 June 2013 - 13:30 PM
No offense but we don't want to see photos of an infected toe

Who doesn't? I am up for pics of gore.
Deleted Account #151676
Crossing the river Whalfe via stepping stones at Bolton Abbey, unfortunatly there was a stone missing near the end, not wishing to have wet feet for the remaining ten miles I pussied out and went back much to the displeasure of everyone behind me and the people on the banks who started booing. Not my proudest moment.
Kayla playing in the river.
Looking gangsta in my makeshift bandanna after reaching the top of Inglebrough fell, over 500ft up.
We camped in the shaddow of Ribblehead Viaduct, AKA the bridge from the flying car scene in Harry Potter.
Made me laugh
We stopped at a great country pub called the Wild Boar, along with a wonderful bar area it has possibly the classiest pub toilet ever!
Kayla having fun driving the motorboat we rented around Lake Windermere.
18 years ago
3 months ago
What the fuck is the guy doing in the water on the stepping stones?
12 years ago
4 years ago
By Jay. | Permalink | On 11 June 2013 - 19:11 PM
What the fuck is the guy doing in the water on the stepping stones?

He forgot to cross them so he's going back to do it.

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