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hi. sry english its not my mother language anyway can someone do the parma kits… like the old ones. rly want to start a save in parma bring back thuram, crespo, times :3
like those
with parmalat will be great thanks <3
This is a new thread for requests 👍
Can someone please make the new Leeds United kit?
hi where can i get leeds new red bull one?
leeds please?
Real Betis and Milan please
I need some help with these international team kits. (All kits are real, not fake or fantasy!)
Can I ask someone, to make these jerseys for me?
Italy 125 Anniversary kit in UEFA Nations League 2023 Final Four:
Armenia Special 4th jersey
Ecuador third jersey from Copa America 2024
Hi, Does anyone have the Mansfield Town Home shirt for 24-25 season ?
AC Milan please.
Betis y Milán please
they will be available when the respective league packs are released in the next month or so.
Has the Celtic 24/25 Home & Away kits been created?
As in Germany 2. and 3. Bundesliga is about to start this weekend, here's hoping for some update soon 🙂
Can man utd away kit 24/25 be made would be great
Could anyone please make the Leeds United 24/25 home and away kit??
Kind Regards 🙂
Could anyone please make the Leeds United 24/25 home and away kit?? Kind Regards 🙂
they will be available when the respective league packs are released in the next month or so. The FC'12 team don't tend to release individual kits
It will be available when the EPL league pack is released in the next month or so. The FC'12 team don't tend to release individual kits
Thx m8 🙂
Not done yet
i have putt SS kit in for Leeds as a stop gap
Hello, could you please make the current jerseys of Gençlerbirliği? Thank you. ❤🖤TEAM NAME: Türkiye => Turkish 1. League => GençlerbirliğiTEAM ID: 1873OFFICIAL X PAGE: https://x.com/kirmizikara/status/1817116127937339686HOME: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-home-kit/
AWAY: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-away-kit/
THIRD: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-third-kit/
Could anyone pleaser make the Chelsea 24/25 home kit?
someone made the the new bundesliga kits 24/25 ? home,away,third
someone made the the new french ligue 24/25 please ?
Hi! Independiente just released the new Home 24/25 kit. If someone could make it, it would be great!
Here is a link with more pictures.
hi guys…can anyone create 2D kits from Duisburg 24-25 season please?much apreciated
hi guys…can anyone create 2D kits from Dynamo Dresden 24-25 season please?much apreciated
Hi, would be greatif someone could do the Inverness CT Home and Away Kit for me - last kits I need to complete a project
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hi. sry english its not my mother language
anyway can someone do the parma kits… like the old ones. rly want to start a save in parma bring back thuram, crespo, times :3
like those
with parmalat will be great thanks <3
Can someone please make the new Leeds United kit?
hi where can i get leeds new red bull one?
leeds please?
Real Betis and Milan please
I need some help with these international team kits. (All kits are real, not fake or fantasy!)
Can I ask someone, to make these jerseys for me?
Italy 125 Anniversary kit in UEFA Nations League 2023 Final Four:
Armenia Special 4th jersey
Ecuador third jersey from Copa America 2024
Hi, Does anyone have the Mansfield Town Home shirt for 24-25 season ?
Latrell yard man
AC Milan please.
Betis y Milán please
they will be available when the respective league packs are released in the next month or so.
Has the Celtic 24/25 Home & Away kits been created?
As in Germany 2. and 3. Bundesliga is about to start this weekend, here's hoping for some update soon 🙂
Can man utd away kit 24/25 be made would be great
Could anyone please make the Leeds United 24/25 home and away kit??
Kind Regards 🙂
they will be available when the respective league packs are released in the next month or so. The FC'12 team don't tend to release individual kits
It will be available when the EPL league pack is released in the next month or so. The FC'12 team don't tend to release individual kits
Thx m8 🙂
Bielsa is a legend
Not done yet
i have putt SS kit in for Leeds as a stop gap
Hello, could you please make the current jerseys of Gençlerbirliği? Thank you. ❤🖤
TEAM NAME: Türkiye => Turkish 1. League => Gençlerbirliği
TEAM ID: 1873
OFFICIAL X PAGE: https://x.com/kirmizikara/status/1817116127937339686
HOME: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-home-kit/
AWAY: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-away-kit/
THIRD: https://www.footballkitarchive.com/genclerbirligi-2024-25-third-kit/
Could anyone pleaser make the Chelsea 24/25 home kit?
It will be available when the EPL league pack is released in the next month or so. The FC'12 team don't tend to release individual kits
someone made the the new bundesliga kits 24/25 ? home,away,third
someone made the the new french ligue 24/25 please ?
Hi! Independiente just released the new Home 24/25 kit. If someone could make it, it would be great!
Here is a link with more pictures.
hi guys…can anyone create 2D kits from Duisburg 24-25 season please?much apreciated
hi guys…can anyone create 2D kits from Dynamo Dresden 24-25 season please?much apreciated
Hi, would be greatif someone could do the Inverness CT Home and Away Kit for me - last kits I need to complete a project