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Hi guys,
is there a transfer file only with future transfers for the upcoming 2024/2025 season?
E.g. Mpabbé are moves to Real Madrid on June 1st 2024.
I'm only capable of finding transfer files with transfers for the new season with upcoming effect.
Thanks in advance for answering.
Greetings from Germany
No, however could you start your game in 2024 summer? You can change it before you start a save
I know to start in Summer 2024 with real results.
That's the plan but only with future transfers and not with the new players played the last season at their new clubs.
That didn't make sense for me.
Douglas Bryan
Unlike last season when you could start in the 2023 summer with the transfers going through at the proper time; it seems as if the money grab collaboration with FMRTE has prevented that from being a possibility… it is a joke that they recommend you to spend money for the 2024 summer start date, when the loans are out of date and overall just a disaster.
@Douglas Bryan I'm not sure what you mean about a money grab? There's no financial relation between FMRTE and sortitoutsi.
It seems like you're having some sort of issue and just going around saying everything is a scam but haven't actually reported the issue to anyone or sought help to get whatever issue you're having fixed.
What is it you're trying to do and can you explain what you mean about loans not working?
you need to be very careful what you are alleging as footygamer states there is no financial link between the sites in any way
I suggest you are trying to do 2 separate things
you are trying to use a custom start date where it isnt needed, or using multiple files that are clashing
also the data update here does this
it doesnt put Mbape in Madrid on 1/7/24
Douglas Bryan
there have been multiple comments around the data update not aligning with the start date & correct fixture results that is promoted under it, yet no resolution - with comments over a month old that have not been responded to that are questioning it.
stop selling them as a package deal if they don’t work together, or at least have a disclaimer that they don’t coincide.
Bielsa is a legend
Nobody sells it, it’s free
appreciate people who do the updates, or maybe do your own?