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Question, Im playing with Standard Liege and suddenly we are in administration and the board puts some of my players on transferlist. With the editor I got rid off all the debts but still it shows im in administration and cant UNtransferlist my players. Should I just give up as this seems an error or?
And here I thought Susie was the place to get quick answers…
Why is getting into administration… an error?
Latrell yard man
Not with that attitude Sir.
getting in administration isnt, but it keeps staying in administration eventhough I have no debts anymore
Maybe recovering the finance in a natural way and using the editor to get rid of the problem… are just different.
Not sure how the game is programmed to handle situations like this. But, for instance, it may take a “process” to trigger something in order to lift the ban, and obviously, using the editor has bypassed any of this… not sure how it ends in this case. Or, it has a minimum period of time to serve such a ban, say 3 months… so you just have to wait, even though the debt is cleared.
When you do it in an “illegal” way (or trick… cheat) and the system doesn't follow (or fall for it), it's not fair to blame this an “error” here… the algorithm simply never expects to handle a case like this. It's always a risk when interfering the game in an… unnatural way.
It's too late to say this, but… why not just face the challenge and try to rebuild the club? It's actually quite fun.
Yep I agree. Just got pissed of that suddenly my players got transferlisted and nothing i can do about it.
But thanks for the help!
Bielsa is a legend
admin takes into account future liabilities such as wages, bonus, future fees owed etc, its not just about the current debt sum
did you increase your working capital balance to a figure that keeps you in a positive cashflow situation?
i did thats why i dont get it. No debt and overall in the money .
you needed to act pre administration as regards debts etc
what editor are you using
the in-game editor