FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 10 Mar 2025
- 108,455 Changes
- 607 Contributors
- FM24.3

for myself it's not a problem; i've already fixed it like you said mate but how to fix it for the data update? 🙂
I think that it should be forced by update admin
to fix it you should
1. set him as free transfer
2. set him to Freiburg
3. set his role to First Manager
it worked for me.
for myself it's not a problem; i've already fixed it like you said mate but how to fix it for the data update? 🙂
1. set him as free transfer
2. set him to Freiburg
3. set his role to First Manager
it worked for me.

pff ://, still couldn't fix the problem; he is still U-19 manager in the game… Any idea how to fix it? @Footygamer
My edit with his contract start date actually fixed this, but it´s been disabled
pff ://, still couldn't fix the problem; he is still U-19 manager in the game… Any idea how to fix it? @Footygamer

Sorry, I said yes before, but now I remember that I did exactly what you have suggested by myself with the editor, and worked!
I see! Thanks for confirming my theory mann! 😀
i think i've figured out the bug with him.. first we need to release him from freiburg to fix it imo (clashing with freiburg second team)
Sorry, I said yes before, but now I remember that I did exactly what you have suggested by myself with the editor, and worked!
i think i've figured out the bug with him.. first we need to release him from freiburg to fix it imo (clashing with freiburg second team)
what is the problem with him? is he enabled in the game now?
yes 😉
what is the problem with him? is he enabled in the game now?

why is he still not enabled? :/

He doesn't start as Coach of first team on new game, but as youth coach

The transfer will go through on 01-07-2024.
As of 17.12 its still not working (without doing it myself). Starting new game, SCF Manager is vacant and he has a different role in the club.