Here's a set of "Aussie rules" that just adds the 13th team, Auckland FC, to the A-League, and keeps it at 26 games like IRL.


Also includes the All-Stars Game and the Unite Round with 6 teams effectively losing a home game.


Also tweaked qualifying for the Australia Cup, including moving the dates around for the schedule they've used for a couple of years now.


Could definitely use some tips if anyone has inside info like the amount of season ticket holders, sponsorships, salaries, etc. Right now it's a bit of a guesstimate based on similar clubs at the same level. Same goes if anything else in Australia needs a quick fix here.




Bonus: Here's a fantasy file that adds Auckland and Wellington Phoenix to a slightly expanded OFC Champions League:


O-League redux (backup)


4 years ago
2 months ago

when i add graphics to graphics folder and reload skin etc the graphics dont load in? any help please


The Modelcitizen
2 years ago
2 weeks ago

Check their unique ID (it's an option under preferences) and you might have to slightly adjust the config file in each graphics folder to correspond. If you're using other DBs that create teams (and come before this one alphabetically) it will throw off the numbering

4 years ago
2 months ago

cheers for the help. it helped me sort the issue

9 years ago
3 days ago

hello I put the file in the graphics folders but the game does not read them. The ID of Auckland FC is different from the ID of the files. Despite changing the ID number, the game does not read it. What should I do? Thank you 

The Modelcitizen
2 years ago
2 weeks ago

There might be another graphics pack you have that's overriding it? Other than that option to reload the skin from preferences I think these steps should all work

9 years ago
3 days ago


No, I don't have any files that are overwriting it. The ID of Auckland Fc is 2000339410 while the files are with a different ID. Even if I tried to rename him, he wouldn't read them to me. I followed all the steps as always but they don't work...

The Modelcitizen
2 years ago
2 weeks ago

Sounds like a skin/graphics issue, might be able to find help in that forum

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