All leagues updated as well as cup competitions and all updated for the new season .


Teams outside the pyramid System kick in at the 24/25 season,  Second File is real life pyramid system to tier 10 .


Level one

Scottish premiership

Level two

Scottish championship

Level Three  

Scottish League one

Level four

Scottish league two

Level five

Highland/ Lowland Leagues

Level Six

East of Scotland League / South of Scotland League / West of Scotland League, McBookie Superleague League/ North Caledonian League / midland's League

Level seven

East of Scotland First Division , West of Scotland First Division, Highland Amateur League,Midland First Division,North Championship

Level Eight

East of Scotland Second Division,West of Scotland Second Division ,Aberdeenshire Amateur League, Highland Amateur Division One ,George Buckman Division League

Level Nine

East of Scotland Division Three ,West of Scotland Third Division,Highland Division Two,Aberdeenshire Division Two

Level Ten

West of Scotland Division four , Edinburgh Amateur League,Highland division Three

Level Eleven

Caledonian Amateur League, Edinburgh Amateur Division One

Level Twelve

Edinburgh Amateur Division Two, Caledonian Division One

Level Thirteen

Caledonian Division Two

14 years ago
1 day ago

Oh aye, I just ran it through the editor and it's looking in fine shape. I've never actually got as high as the North Caley! I think I'll restore Loch Ness FC as an amateur Highland Div 3 side and start there.

Cheers William

12 years ago
1 day ago

Data update wise, to complement this brilliant file:


Lowland, Highland, WOS Premier, WOS1, WOS2, WOS3, WOS4, EOS Premier, EOS 1 and SOS all updated as much as I can source. 


I hope the much maligned new SFA comet system is public facing, as Scotland really needs a central searchable source for players. Some clubs have great data and social media, some horrendous. 


Found about 200 players that were in FM23 or earlier but are not in FM24 which is a shame. 


SOS is a shift, lots of clubs with very young local players nowhere near the database and some crazy scorelines when you start looking across the data. Would be aswell joining the WOS, and any team not willing would then be as well to join an amateur league. 


Will keep going, hope to finish EOS2 and EOS3 before the week is out. 

12 years ago
1 day ago

Squads, where possible, for EOS2, EOS3 and Midland updated. Just North Caley, North Premier and North Championship to go. Will then backtrack to try to capture any deals missed since I started the bigger update on the 20th December, then try to maintain at least until the window shuts.

4 months ago
1 month ago

William thanks for creating this. 
I am on the committee for Arniston Rangers and its great to play as a team I help run daily. MON THE EAST OF SCOTLAND 

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