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I'd like to add the J-League to the game and I notice in the editor it appears to already be set up and modeled, but not sure how to activate it. I'd preferably like to make it playable, but even just being able to see it listed on clubs' info screens would be better than the current situation.
Can anyone tell me how to make this happen? Is there an 'activate' button hidden somewhere or do I have to remake the entire J-League system? Failing that, are there any good downloads available for it?
Also, I notice the Japanese national team has no 'information' tab. Anyone know why this is? I've done away with the fake.inc or whatever files, so German and Japanese national teams should now function normally. Both have real players now (obviously Japan only has players based outside Europe atm) but Germany has an information tab as it should, while Japan doesn't...
NOTE: It should really go without saying, but let me clarify I am fully aware of licensing issues. I'm not whinging, just asking what needs to be done to make the changes I want, and am willing to do myself if needs be. I wouldn't even be asking this if there weren't the licensing issues so please don't feel that you need to point them out to me. They affect SI, not me.
This has to be the best Japan update very comprehensive/leagues/players/graphics
everything you need is there
I search to play with J-League & USA lower leaguer, any suggestion or help??
Thanks guys!!
Hi King Robbo.
Is this a public channel? The link seems to be invalid for me.
Do you have a channel name that we can search from?
sorry I just had that and it was a public channel then
I dont use discord now as I cant take to it, that may be an old link then
can i've discord link again. it's expired.