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The data update automatically increases all players ages by 1 year and decreases all contracts by 1 year to accommodate the start dates found in FM24.
This makes sense because now when you start a save with Liverpool Salah, Van Dijk and TAA will all have 1 year left on their contract instead of 2 and you have to deal with that, just like in real life.
This starts in June for Europe and in January for South America.
I've had some reports of issues regarding this such as players immediately leaving on a free without a playing a game, although I haven't actually been given any examples of specific players so can't investigate and find out what's happening.
Please can people share any issues they're having with year modification as well as general discussion about what files should be made available and when.
Just to update this in the hope of getting feedback, there is currently a debate (mostly focused on Brazil) about removing the year modifications. I cannot quite get my head around the request and would appreciate anyone chiming in.
The request is that we stop modifying the contract years but continue modifying the ages, which to mean makes it incredibly unrealistic and a bit broken.
How it works right now
Right now the yearly changes file does the following:
Because some leagues run Jan-Dec and others July-June we sometimes have two versions of the file and sometimes only one version of the file. The cycle looks something like this:
And so on, so that in June 2027 we will have just two files, a European one that modifies dates by 4 years and a South American one that modifies dates by 3 years.
The request, as I understand it, although I might be wrong, is that we have a 3rd file that exists permanently throughout this cycle that only modifies ages but not contract dates.
However I have created a poll with more options and the option to add your own answers. Please vote in the poll.
Vote In The Poll
Poll Link: https://forms.gle/V5txhTTBEQj8RfsTA
However for any longer answers with clear explanations please leave a comment here it would be very much appreciated.
Below is my position on why I think a file without year modifications (and particularly with year modifications but age modifications) doesn't work
This is what it would result in:
December 2024
Real Life
In Our File (when starting in Brazil in December 2023)
If we remove the contract modifications but keep the ages
Problem's now in December 2024
The problem now is mostly minor and won't break the game, but is unrealistic
December 2026
Right now it has only been one year, but if we keep updating FM24 next year and the year after (since it is the last version of the pre Unity version of Football Manager) this is going to get alot worse.
This is what our file would look like in December 2026 (not after 2 years of playing the game, when 2 years has passed in real life)
Real Life
In Our File (when starting in Brazil in December 2023)
If we remove the contract modifications but keep the ages
Problem's in December 2026
The problem with the alternative version being suggested is that
Question writing is very difficult, I am seeing a few people vote for both:
Obviously these are contradictory and they don't understand the question. I've added a “I don't understand this question” and will maybe just ignore the results of that second question.
Please leave comments
10 votes so far an no comments, comments would really be appreciated
So far it's 90% in favour of keeping the update going forever.
Which means those voting for only a no date changes file want the update to keep going for 10 more years and for Haaland to still have a 9 year contract even in 2034, rather than having it reduce each year.
If people voting for that could explain how they envision it working that would be really helpful.
On youtube there is an italian streamer (lucullusgames) who created some files to play the game starting in june 2024 with the correct results of 23/24 of the most important leagues and with correct euro placements (Bologna, Dormund ecc…). I think that would be amazing implement that work with yours update here, in order to resolve the “real data” issues.
this is the link to the post of lucullus:
Firstly, thank you for all of your hard work, it is greatly appreciated. I personally use your data update and pair it with a future start date file from elsewhere as I like the date to be the same as real life. I therefore simply delete the ‘update age and contract +1 year’ file and crack on.
To use your file only, I could be starting a game in Jan 2025 with the season dated June 2023/24, using a team complete with transfers that don't take place until Jan 2025 in real life.
For me, the best sense of reality would be a future start date with all the in game leagues, players, and staff correct for the real life start date. At the moment, this type of future start date file only exists up until July 24. I would love one for Jan 2025 and then one every June/August until SI get the new version of the game to an enjoyable level.
Are you sure it starts in June 2024 with the correct teams in the correct leagues and correct teams qualifying for Europe? Because as far as I know it's impossible to force the correct teams qualifying through the playoffs because you can't set fixture/results for cup competitions.
Can you post some evidence that it works for all the leagues not just getting lucky with a couple of top leagues?
@JohnPrice1982 same goes for you as far as I know no future start date file accurately portrays the league structure or europe/cup qualification because it can't do cups including play offs.
Can you please provide a link and screenshot evidence of a future start date file that has the correct teams in the correct leagues?
I'm unable to play in this period, but I tried it and it worked perfect! Otherwise I wouldn't propose it to you ahahah
Furthermore, I've found that on fmscout they have a file to start on january 2024 with real results as of 2025 season, in the same way of here (age +1, contract +1 etc…).
I use the FMRTE future start date with sortitoutsi data update. You have to start a few days before the playoff finals and fix the game, or keep restarting until the right teams win. Tedious, but possible. I don't even understand how people have added real fixtures with real results in the FMRTE stuff, as the pre game editor is deliberately less usefull than in previous seasons. It's a shame the ‘competition - teams - teams for next season’ option in the editor doesn't allow for accurate promotions.
eduardo alves braz
best mod
That seems impossible to do across all leagues in the world, the odds of the right teams winning play offs across 100s of leagues are almost infinite.
I'm guessing you're just looking at say one league, such as the Championship > Prem and so long as you get that right you don't care.
But we can't really do that, we're offering a download for millions of people from every country in the world. We have to try and get one file that is as realistic as possible for everyone.
Disclaimer: i use only “changes” file
In my opinion, almost nothing needs to be changed. I am happy with the current system - despite the game starting in the summer of 2023, players, using the data update, are in new clubs from the summer of 2023, even if they moved to a new club in 2024 or even in 2025.
All these data updates and various options for starting the game in the summer of 2024 do not work correctly, since in this case young players lose a year of development. Daveincid came to this conclusion, I more than trust his opinion. I do not use any 24/25 DLC and do not advise anyone to use them.
I would prefer to continue using the system that exists now. A contract that a player signed for 5 years in the summer of 2024 can end in the game in the summer of 2023, I do not see a problem with this.
çok güzel bir yama tebrikler
The basis is the real results of the 2023-24 season, so the results of all cups and playoffs/playouts are simulated by the game and not inserted by editors. Unfortunately as per game and editor limitation. Unfortunately there are two paths, this one where however you have the wrong promotions from the playoffs or the one that takes advantage of your update which however in the first year has the old format of the three competitions. For me we just need to let people know that they have to be satisfied and choose what they like best and that's it. Unfortunately they demand beyond the FM limit.
Deep 64
Most important thing for me is for the players ages to not be tinkered with just change the clubs/contracts.
Kerim Hrvat
Can't find Renato Viega on last update. Why?
Notorious Swiss
Nice thx you guys
con l'aggiornamento di lucullus mi da tutto esatto tranne le vicende della champions league, i risultati sono fittizzi
Can we add Andre Garcia please?
Please post in English.
Can you please explain how it is possible to get the play offs correct across every single league in every single country?
Can you explain why?
Matte Berta
Hi, are the loans extended by one year to the relevant deadline starting from July 2024 with an update to the winter transfer market? Es.
Gudmunsson has been at Fiorentina since 01/07/2024 with expiry date 30/06/2025 but if we start from July 2024 with an update to the winter transfer market, is the loan extended to 2025 or does it always expire in 2024?
What works for me it's tedious but works almost 100% of the time. I use the real life results and future start date files followed by putting “fake bans” in place for the other promotion/relegation playoff teams except for the intended winner. Obviously it's more troublesome and only works for promotion/relegation playoffs for leagues you have real results of, but if you just wanna play the bigger leagues it's perfect. This allows me to start the game in July 2025 with the correct transfers and teams in the bigger leagues
For example, for english premier league, i add a “on holiday” ban for west brom, leeds and norwich first team and second team players from 12 may 2024 to 9 july 2024 so 99.9% of the time Southampton wins the playoffs