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Adding Custom Newgens in Football Manager

You can add yourself or anyone else as a Newgen (a generated youth player also called regens) in Football Manager. Follow these straightforward steps to ensure they appear in your Youth Intake during a new game:


Simple Setup


  • Open a Text Editor

Open a basic text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).


  • Add Player Details

Copy and paste the following line into the editor, replacing “John” and “Doe” with the first and last name of the player you want to add:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "John" "" "Doe" "01/03/2008" "765" "" "" "" "3" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "”


765 = The ID of the nation, in this case 765 is England

3 = Hair Colour, in this case Dark Brown


For some reason nationality and hair colour are required


Tip: Repeat this line for each additional player, entering their details on a new line.


  • Save the File

Save the file as support_staff.edt in the appropriate location, depending on your game version:


Windows (Steam): Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2430\edt\permanent

Windows (Epic Games): Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2024\data\database\db\2430\edt\permanent

Windows (Gamepass): Xboxgames\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2430\edt\permanent

Mac (Steam): ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2024/data/database/db/2430/edt/permanent

Tip: the value after db/ “2430” is the current database, you might have to use other if you game is not updated or if a new version is released or if you plan to use a older database


  • Start a New Game

Start a new game. At some point during your Youth Intake, the players you’ve added will appear.


Advanced Setup


For greater customization, follow the same steps as simple setup but modify the Add Player Details. Below is a breakdown of the customizable fields:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date (dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (cm)" "Weight (kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID”


Detailed Field Descriptions


  • First Name: required
  • Common Name: if added overrides First + Last Name
  • Last Name: required
  • Birth Date: required format dd/mm/yyyy (2008 onwards)
  • Nation: use nation ID (required)
  • Favourite Team: use club ID
  • Ethnicity: use the following numerical codes:
    • Unknown/random: -1
    • Northern European: 0
    • Mediterranean/Hispanic: 1
    • North African/Middle Eastern: 2
    • African/Caribbean: 3
    • Asian: 4
    • South-East Asian: 5
    • Pacific Islander: 6
    • Native American: 7
    • Native Australian: 8
    • Mixed Race White/Black: 9
    • East Asian: 10
  • Skin Tone: a value from 1-20, where 1 is the lightest and 20 the darkest.
  • Hair Colour: use the following numerical codes: (required)
    • Unknown/Random: 0
    • Blond: 1
    • Light Brown: 2
    • Dark Brown: 3
    • Red: 4
    • Black: 5
    • Grey: 6
    • Bald: 7
  • Height: enter height in cm
  • Weight: enter weight in kg
  • Preferred Foot:
    • Right Only: 0
    • Left Only: 1
    • Right Preferred: 2
    • Left Preferred: 3
    • Both: 4
  • Preferred Position: use the following options:

(unfortunately you can’t generate Wing Backs or Defensive Midfielders as newgens)

  • Favourite Number: assign the player’s preferred shirt number
  • Birth City: use city ID
  • CA: current ability
  • PA: potential ability


Assign a value between 1 and 200. A 200 PA means that player can be the best in the world. You can also give a dynamic value to give a little more flexibility and imprevisibility, you choose between -1 and -10 meaning that each value represent a range of values:

-10 = 170 – 200

-95 = 160 – 190

-9 = 150 – 180

-85 = 140 – 170

-8 = 130 – 160

-75 = 120 – 150

-7 = 110 – 140

-65 = 100 – 130

-6 = 90 – 120

-55 = 80 – 110

-5 = 70 – 100

-45 = 60 – 90

-4 = 50 – 80

-35 = 40 – 70

-3 = 30 – 60

-25 = 20 – 50

-2 = 10 – 40

-15 = 0 – 30

-1 = 0 – 20

  • Club: use club ID


Required Fields

The required fields are

  • First Name
  • Second Name
  • Date of birth
  • Nationality
  • Hair Colour


All other fields are optional


Birth Dates and when players come through

You can define when a player will come through in game based on their birth date. If you create three players born January 13th 2008, 2009 and 2010 they will each appear in consecutive seasons in 2024, 2025 and 2026. You can use this to stagger the appearance of newgen's across multiple years.


The following is true for England, more research needs to be done to work out the dates for other countries.


  • A “year” runs from April 1st to March 13th
  • Do not use date of births between March 14th-31st.
    • Youth intake dates vary throughout this period so you can't guarantee which year they'll appear.
    • In some weird instances the player might not appear at all.


So you can define when a player appears like so:


Appear in 2024: DOB between April 1st 2007 and March 14th 2008

Appear in 2025: DOB between April 1st 2008 and March 14th 2009

Appear in 2026: DOB between April 1st 2009 and March 14th 2010

Appear in 2027: DOB between April 1st 2010 and March 14th 2011



Here's an example where 4 players are created in season 1 at Man Utd and then 3 players per season for the next 3 seasons:


"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi First" "" "One" "13/01/2008" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "ATTACKER_CENTRAL" "" "" "90" "141" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Second" "" "One" "01/04/2008" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "DEFENDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "120" "197" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Third" "" "One" "01/01/2008" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "DEFENDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "120" "197" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Fourth" "" "One" "01/04/2008" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "DEFENDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "120" "197" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi First" "" "Two" "17/02/2009" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "90" "141" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Second" "" "Two" "17/12/2009" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "90" "141" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Third" "" "Two" "17/02/2009" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "4" "ATTACKING_MIDFIELDER_LEFT_SIDE" "" "" "90" "141" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi First" "" "Three" "09/03/2010" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "GOALKEEPER" "" "" "95" "145" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Second" "" "Three" "09/10/2010" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "GOALKEEPER" "" "" "95" "145" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Third" "" "Three" "09/03/2010" "England" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "GOALKEEPER" "" "" "95" "145" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi First" "" "Four" "27/01/2011" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "" "" "95" "145" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Second" "" "Four" "27/11/2011" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "" "" "95" "145" "680"
"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "Sortitoutsi Third" "" "Four" "27/01/2011" "Wales" "" "0" "3" "3" "" "" "" "MIDFIELDER_CENTRAL" "" "" "95" "145" "680"


Ignore the fact that some players aren't at Man Utd, they did start their initially.


Special thanks to @FMPLAYER85 for helping research this.


Finding Club and Nation ID's

You can find this easily the Nation/Club ID by searching FMRef and copy and pasting the ID that's shown in the results otherwise you can check in the game editor

15 years ago
1 week ago

Is it required to restart or does it work also in a ongoing save?

Does it work only for player that are born in the 2008?

2 years ago
1 day ago

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date (dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (cm)" "Weight (kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID”


do i have to remove such as Nation then  change to the nation ID or like “Nation 0000” ?

18 years ago
10 hours ago
By _PaMi_ 02 February 2025 - 18:05 PM UTC 

Is it required to restart or does it work also in a ongoing save?

Does it work only for player that are born in the 2008?


  • you need to start a new game
  • 2008 minimum, can be 2009, 2010, 2011…
18 years ago
10 hours ago
By kleidoxon 02 February 2025 - 18:36 PM UTC 

"DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "Birth date (dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height (cm)" "Weight (kg)" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Favourite Number" "Birth City" "CA" "PA" "CLUB ID”


do i have to remove such as Nation then  change to the nation ID or like “Nation 0000” ?


just the ID, you have “” ("empty") or you have a value in each one

4 months ago
1 month ago

I will be trying this soon - once I get the new data pack. Didn't know this was a thing. 
I have been fishing about looking to see what packs I can get to keep FM alive as 25 is delayed with no outcome to whats going on. 

6 months ago
2 weeks ago

Bonjour pas bon de mon côté après plusieurs essais 

4 years ago
5 hours ago

Essa criação de newgen pelo arquivo EDT funciona para o FM 21 touch?

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