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Outclassed a Leeds side who just appointed Michael Lumb as their new manager days before the game. Clinical finishing and with this performance I hand the save over to Spanky.
Finally got one over on ole Man Utd...
Sanchez off our corners was just immense however as good as Evans is he gets sent off quite a bit, I might relegate him to the bench and start Mijic instead as punishment.
Don't you just love it when the goal keeper tries a short pass but ends up sending it to the opposing striker for him to score? Well that happened and I thought Man Utd were gonna put 4 or 5 past us, they completely dominated but Ozcelik with a beautiful counter goal from a Man U corner sends us through.
Forgot to put this result up before the Man Utd 2nd leg. We really don't want to win the league do we??
Atm Man Utd are only 3 points ahead but if we keep playing like this we can forget about the title. Hull had 2 disallowed goals. We just have no motivation for some reason.
So lucky to get this win, we struggle to get shots on goal atm. Man Utd played Arsenal in a 1-1 so we are now 1 point behind both.
Frustration that is all.
Disappointing draw but Juventus were just head and shoulders above us.
Keeps us in the hunt for the title especially now with Man Utd losing their next fixture. We are 2 points ahead of them but still 1 point behind Arsenal. We still have to play Arsenal though next in the league so could be the decider.
Changed to a counter before the game, absorbed a lot of pressure but we were clinical in front of goal with 2 of them coming from the counter and obviously one penalty. Second champions league final in a row now lets push on and grab the title.
Second year running we meet. We have them next in the league, winner of that will probably win the league and will take a huge advantage into the final with them. We have the advantage already though as Arsenal only have a 2 day rest between their semi final game and our league game.
Paulista puts us in front before Norton sets up Adams from a counter to seal a huuuuuge win and propel us to the top of the ladder by 2 points.
However it's not all smiles yet as Arsenal have a run of West Ham and Stoke, both away so could prove tricky but I expect them to win both. We on the other hand have Man City at Home and Norwich at Home. Man City are a quality side as you would expect and Norwich last time I played them put 4 past me.
Everything went wrong, concede after 5 minutes, Adams misses a penalty on 29 minutes we get flogged and both Man Utd and Arsenal win dropping us to third. I am really starting to hate Evans now, if this wasn't a succession game I would fucking sell him. He also had the nerve to complain about the fine I gave him despite being sent off twice in my stint.
Right so this is how it is shaping up on the final day.
Man Utd 82 points.
Arsenal 82 points.
Us 81 points.
Both teams also have farrrrr superior goal differences so in all likely hood we need to win and have both teams lose.
Right so our win is out of the way in fairly straight forward circumstances but how did the other teams go and just how vital was that loss to Man City?
Right so you can say we choked, 2 games to go and top of the table but having to play Man City we had arguable the hardest game of the other two sides. Arsenal on the other hand definitely choked, they scored 104 goals only to finish third. Hopefully I can knock them around a bit more and go back to back champions league titles but as for the prem another season at least to wait.
27 goals for Adams in the league a brilliant return and was fairly quiet at the end of the season could have been 35 or so goals if he had been firing.
21 clean sheets for the man but I gave Robinson a few games so could have been more.
FFS he's just got injured in training and will miss the Final.
Not a clear fan of Dusan to be honest. Very fragile at times.
Not to worry Spanky. We are punching above our weight in the league.
Champions league up next I'm fairly nervous.
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK ARSENALLLLL!!!!! We had to hold on for 10 minutes ffs and they score after the goal keeper lobs it up field. FUcking hell, so gutted especially for Adams.
Lost the league, lost the Champions league had a shocker
Left back becomes priority one.
Finally got my man after 2 or 3 seasons. Very expensive transfer but plays right across the back. The rest of my business will have to be smart.
We are on 90k per week, 8k more then our highest paid player lol.
Very good to see you got him. They were asking £52m when I enquired and tried to haggle with them.
Yes! Finally! I would also love to add Fearon, I think his name is, the Hull winger, to the team. It's good to that we start to bring more British players to the FGR. Great job guys!
Cheap, great technique and a good finisher. Also is home grown which is what I'm looking for now. Fearon will cost too much so he's out of the question this window.
Some tough choices on the outs especially with Marshall. I just felt now especially with McLaren joining we were flooded with CB's and to get as much as we did for him was great.