14 years ago
4 years ago
Sorry for the lame title, but I'm looking from a broad perspective from the users here, and not just people interested in specifics.

My name is Andreas and I'm owner of a football game, and currently thinking about making the game international.

In short the game is a role-play (RPG) game from a footballers perspective. When you sign up to the game you are 21 years of age, and ready for your first professionel contract in the world of football.

Unlike similar games, where you create a footballer and make him rise to the task, this game is 100% interactive, meaning that every single aspect of the game is run by a real person. It makes up for some more realistic interference, and it is great fun (Atleast the current, domestique version of the game).

The game is based upon the Football Manager database, and every footballer has, according to age, a number of points that is equivalent to the stats in Football Manager. When you start up you receive an excel ark which, when filled, indicates your players qualities. Every season your player develops, but he may also develop in-game through our training moduls, buy a house/car/boots and many other things. Also within the game are currently agents that can or may be used to achieve a higher salary, and hence more room for improving your footballer.

I'm not looking to advertise the game in here, as I suspect that is against good manors and rules of conduct and such, but this is simply a question of whether or not you would be interested in this game. The game already exists in danish and is a vast succes, currently up at nearly 150 unique players. (The game is 6 months old).

The game is build in so your footballer will be involved in games even if you are not online, so if you have only 5 minutes of online time pr. week that is sufficient, but if you really want to dig in deep to the game there is no upper time level. Remember the game is not mechanical.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and excuse me for bad grammar and spellingmistakes, as I'm Danish.
14 years ago
11 months ago
Where's the game?
16 years ago
4 years ago
I would be interested. Lower the age from 21 though.
18 years ago
6 months ago
By Obtuse | Permalink | On 27 July 2013 - 21:02 PM
I would be interested. Lower the age from 21 though.

Maybe you could be polite and suggest you would prefer this situation. No need to be rude to our Danish pal there.
16 years ago
4 years ago
By Justicar | Permalink | On 27 July 2013 - 21:06 PM
Maybe you could be polite and suggest you would prefer this situation. No need to be rude to our Danish pal there.

You are right. I forget sometimes and just go right to the point.

In my opinion signing your first professional contract should happen at a younger age.
14 years ago
5 years ago
Does sound interesting, but it would be something I'd join in when there's a larger database of players.
14 years ago
4 years ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 27 July 2013 - 17:48 PM
Where's the game?

The game is in danish, so I reckon you would get nothing out of seeing it - It's running on a danish FM site though at the moment.

By Obtuse | Permalink | On 27 July 2013 - 21:02 PM
I would be interested. Lower the age from 21 though.

Agreed. The database, excel form and setup is based on the players starting in the region of 17-21. At the moment, with only 150 odd players we decided that in order to make them good enough to compete then they would all start at the age of 21. If the sign up is good enough we can easily accept younger players.

By Zijie | Permalink | On 28 July 2013 - 03:03 AM
Does sound interesting, but it would be something I'd join in when there's a larger database of players.

That is basically the point in making it international The first season of the game had 86 players, the second has ~150. The invalid (inactive) players from the previous season is used as fillups, to keep the atmosphere in the game, rather than having to fill up with random players (Drones).

My hope is, that by making the language english, that I can include a large number of brits, and if allowed to advertise the game broadly then a number of other european nations aswell + Australia and USA.

I estimate (roughly) that with the base we have atm, we should be able to have somewhere in the region of 500 active players from all over the world, if we launch on a worldwide basis.

This is just a quick finger in the soil to estimate how much of an interest the game would actually get. If I get bad feedback / little feedback, then it's not worth the time to make the game run in english. It's hard enough to make the game run smoothly in danish with a 45+ hours a week job, and a family to take care of aswell
18 years ago
6 months ago
I used to know a guy from Denmark called Andreas. True story that.
15 years ago
1 month ago
agree with the others that it sounds interesting and would probably give it a try
14 years ago
4 years ago
By Justicar | Permalink | On 28 July 2013 - 12:11 PM
I used to know a guy from Denmark called Andreas. True story that.

I once saw a turtle, it moved fairly slow.

By SpinSwimScream | Permalink | On 29 July 2013 - 16:00 PM
agree with the others that it sounds interesting and would probably give it a try

Sounds good mate
18 years ago
3 months ago
I'm interested.
18 years ago
5 months ago
By SotD | Permalink | On 29 July 2013 - 18:57 PM
I once saw a turtle, it moved fairly slow.

You're already better than our previous Dane.
18 years ago
2 months ago
So where's the link to the Danish version?
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
By bluemoon. | Permalink | On 29 July 2013 - 20:43 PM
You're already better than our previous Dane.

I hate you.
18 years ago
5 months ago
By The Platypus | Permalink | On 29 July 2013 - 21:33 PM
I hate you.

Love you really, Krissy.
14 years ago
4 years ago
By Franck | Permalink | On 29 July 2013 - 20:45 PM
So where's the link to the Danish version?

Not that you'll find anything interesting, but you can have a look at the design here:

The design isn't complete yet, but you get the picture.
14 years ago
4 years ago
Just to give you something that you can actually use, heres a video. The text is in danish but I guess it figures.

It's for one of the trainingmodules.


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