Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

Player ID: 933352
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 933352
Mons edit - Not an improvement
This is not personal request cut out service.Maybe you should try to respect the rules,and limit of maximum 3 request.And if you have so much of them,then you should make Liverpool team request,in the right thread...
Side Splitting Pass
Shocked that you think that's an improvement BajaHater.
As for those Liverpool requests.
All better than whats already been done with new haircuts and at least in a red kit?
Think the guy that said this forum is against Liverpool might just be right...
And isn't this an improvement request thread anyway?
Many tnx for this one bro!
Side Splitting Pass
joey I've posted full first team requests for Liverpool for the past 3 seasons & they've always been cut very quickly so please don't post rubbish suggesting we are anti Liverpool. The only reason I've not posted a Liverpool request this season is because the quality of this seasons photoshoot is terrible. The only thing that will result in improvements (or same standard cut-outs) on the current cut-outs for the Liverpool players are decent quality photos of them, not new haircuts or a new kit.
what is this?
And isn't it also a very good improvement from his last cut which was while at Inter Milan?
Yuriy Koval 5312323
Alexandr Ignatenko 71042344
Pavel Myagkov 71049133
Side Splitting Pass
You are mixing up size & quality. Look at the actual photo, not the size of it. It looks like it was taken (& probably was taken) by someone standing 10 foot above the player. Look how far his head is leaning back to look into the camera. Never an improvement imho.
Anyway I think we're going to have to agree to disagree about those photos. Good luck getting your Liverpool pics cut.
I reckon the Coutinho source might result in an improvement; at least I'd like the chance to compare it with the current cut-out. Lucas and Agger will broadly result in a similar image, I reckon, so they're hardly worth cutting.
I support Red Star,and Bakizp is supporting our rivals Partizan
Where did you get these images? What's the source for them?
Lebohang Mokoena
Lebohang Mokoena
Player ID: 67067066
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 67067066
Quality cut that, thanks so much not just me that will be very happy with that
I also never said this forum was anti lfc just referred to the post from someone a few pages back
Also I got the Lucas pic from Twitter, a few of them have been uploaded in higher quality not just lfc ones either
Its all good fam im cutting the whole squad and reserves and next gens 2.
Ive had to do it for a few seasons now.
Aint no thing. Post soon as.
I've done the Lucas cut for you anyway, posted in the alternative image thread to avoid strife. (here)
Player ID: 15015961
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 15015961
I need his beard in the Database
Mons edit - Image has been cut
Thanks a million mate
Pedro Javier Godoy ( Id: 67158095 )
David Babunski ( Id: 67085641 )
Enjoy them mates!
Part. 1/3
Fabien FARNOLLE 916476
Mehdi JEANNIN 85121853
Jérôme SCOLAN 8447314
Cédric BOCKHORNI 913641
Jacques SALZE 34001172
Cédric AVINEL 34011525
Jordan MILLOT 85078420
Emmanuel IMOROU 34009192
Anthony LIPPINI 34008662
Gérald KILOTA (Missing) 85069714
Kevin DIOGO (Missing) 29022612
Ali TOUNCARA 85121153
Rémy DUGIMONT 85096551
Jordan N'KOLOLO 85120251
Player ID: 62071555
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 62071555
Yuriy Koval ID-5312323
Player ID: 62014562
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 62014562
Done by NiceLad