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Welcome to the 'Class of 92' Salford City Challenge! I'm pretty sure a lot of United fans will be keen on taking this adventure on, due to the ties it has with the 'Class of 92' players; Ryan Giggs, Nicky Butt, Paul Scholes and the Neville brothers, but don't be fooled... This will be a challenge!!!
The Database
First of all, before we go into details on the challenge itself, I must state that you will need to download the database that I have so kindly made available for you...
Salford City Database - Full credit goes to FCUtdWill as I have used his England down to level 10 database and the only changes I've made are to Salford City and of course the 'Class of 92'.
You will need to unzip this and place the folder in... Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2014 > Editor Data folder
The Aim
As with every challenge, you need something to aim for and so I have chosen Ryan Giggs and his career as our ultimate aim...
Non Optional Aims...
Win the Premier League 13 times
Win the FA Cup 4 times
Win the Capital One Cup 4 times
Win the Community Shield 9 times
Win the Champions League 2 times
Win the Super Cup Once
Win the Club World Championship Once
Optional Aims...
Have a player achieve more than Ryan Giggs
Have a player play in 22 successive Premier League seasons
Have a player score in 21 successive Premier League seasons
Have a player play until they are 40
Only once you have achieved the Non Optional Aims, can you consider this challenge complete!
Setting Up & The Rules
Now that we have our aims, it's time to see the rules and now you will see why this challenge becomes so much more difficult when it comes to achieving the aims. The aims above would normally be as easy as pie for some people in this community, but that wouldn't be any fun now would it?
Setting Up...
Load the game with English Leagues only and down to at least level 8 (depending on your preference).
The advanced options are up to you, but if you want to make things more challenging, I suggest you leave player attribute masking on.
The database size should be no bigger than 'Large', but you may add all players from England if you wish. If you wish to do that, go to advanced and under Nations, add England and tick all boxes.
Past experience must be set as 'Sunday League Footballer'.
Nation and City of Birth should be set as 'English' and 'Salford' just for the purposes of this challenge.
The Rules...
You may only sign players who were born in the 'Greater Manchester' area. If you want to make this even more challenging, then stick to players who were born in 'Salford'.
You can only use players from the academy if they were born in 'England or Wales'. If you use any players born outside of England or Wales in your first team, you will have failed the challenge.
No 'Loan Players' should ever be used in this challenge.
No use of 'Saved Game' or 'In-game' Editors should be used. Use of cosmetic edits are allowed.
You may only sign backroom staff if they were born in England or Wales.
No International Management until the challenge is completed.
Thread Rules
All threads need rules, so please abide by them and we will have a brilliant thread on the go
Player Naming is allowed
Tactics can be discussed, but please don't refer people to downloaded tactics, although I won't stop you from using them yourself.
When joining this challenge, please post a screenshot of your managers profile and whatever else you wish.
All screenshots are encouraged, but please use links as this will help the thread load much easier for those of us less fortunate to have a fast PC or Laptop!
Please keep us updated on your careers and updates can be done however you wish (Monthly, 6 Monthly, Seasonal), but an End Of Season update is Non-Optional.
You should post an image of your 'Youth Intake' and 'Transfers Page' should be posted every season without fail and all signings should have an image containing their 'Nationality' and 'City of Birth' information.
Salford City Information
About the Club...
Salford City is owned by Ryan Giggs, Paul Scholes, Nicky Butt, Phil Neville and Gary Neville. However, Ryan Giggs has been chosen as the chairman of the club.
The club will never be sold to anyone else (this has been prevented in the editor).
The team plays in tier 8 of the English Pyramid in the 'Northern Premier League Division One North'.
The club has been given £100,000 in bank balance (I believe that the 'Class of 92' will definitely be injecting money into the club).
General Information...
Nation: England
Year Founded: 1940
Operating Status: Semi-Professional
Nickname: The Ammies
Legends: Barry Massay & 'Class of 92'
Fierce Rivals: FC United, Maine Road, Manchester City, Liverpool, Leeds United
Other Rivals: Arsenal, Trafford, Chelsea
Media Prediction: 11th
Club Facilities...
Stadium: 8,000 (260 seated)
Corporate Facilities: Fairly Basic
Training Facilities: Poor
Youth Facilities: Basic
Junior Coaching: None
Youth Recruitment: None
Robbie McGuire