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Tyrion Lannister
never looked the best at international level but he has been around the national squad since 2001
just recently got into the squad but has plenty of potential. maybe too early for him to shine. lovely perm though.
a bit slow, but very strong. an imposing centre back.
Tyrion Lannister
lots of caps for this palmereiras ball winner
not the Southampton one! suffering from a few injuries, but his strength and drive will bother defences.
finding his feet again after injuries when he was at Fulham.
Tyrion Lannister
short ball winner that has an outside chance of making the world cup.
a bad knee injury nearly stopped him reaching the finals but he recovered.
tenacious tricky left full back. did well in Holland.
Tyrion Lannister
a solid central defender and a good leader. very trusted by the coach.
was released by flamengo because they thought he was too small. but a supplier of defensive height.
very experienced and can play at right back. used to sell ice-creams in medellin
Tyrion Lannister
a solid defensive midfielder for his club and has a never-say-die attitude.
not sure if he got the nod, but he has some great stats.
used to be first choice in his position. can play DR as well.
Tyrion Lannister
tall defensive midfielder who is very combative.
hard working defender who lacks quality, but he defo makes up for in spirit. plays on the right best.
Tyrion Lannister
fast and intelligent but has defensive flaws. usually plays at full back. back to full fitness after his leg injury.
the captain. a commander of set pieces but getting slow. intelligent and articulate.
a feisty defensive midfielder. he is the Uruguay engine.
Tyrion Lannister
hard as fuck this defender. very quick in the air and can pass well. absolutely cracking at that price.
a physically strong centre back. first called up in 2008.
Tyrion Lannister
plies his trade in America.
Tyrion Lannister
tough defender who loves the physical game. great at set pieces.
Tyrion Lannister
an inspirational skipper who has a knack of scoring some crucial goals.
Tyrion Lannister
a rangy confident defender. should establish himself at DR.
Tyrion Lannister