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Erm, ok then...
I just don't get why someone would pay real money for a tiny chance of getting a top player? Theres over 16000 players on UT and packs cost just over £1 in real money for a normal 7500 coin pack. Though if someone is happy paying £1 to get a crap silver player and 3 useless gold players that will just get discarded, then carry on throwing money away. Its quicker, easier and cheaper to just buy a player from the market with coins.
Based Jorge
Glad they're abolishing all types of coin trading now as well. Though I do admit I buy around ~£15 worth of packs at the start of the game to build a foundation then don't buy any after. Seasons generates a fair amount of coinage and I have realistic expectations of the players I'll be able to use.
There are still ways, it will still happen.
Oh dear! Was it really worth him/her getting the early release
I've still had no luck with the 'gift packs' so far, sold everything I've had and have around 10k in coins, not a bad building block for when the games released though!
Based Jorge
It's easy to catch now. No trade offers at all this year, if a bronze player is going for ~100k-2m it's easy for them to track down the culprits. Was funny to see the only two YouTubers EA sent to Canada were the only two proper good ones. Mainly cause they didn't promote coinselling at all last year, whilst cunts like Nepenthez, Japes were stuck at home making videos about futhead.
Bale was 50k in FIFA 13, he was around 700k in 14 and now about 1m in 15 /o\
Based Jorge
Circa 650k on the Xbox right now. He'll only be going down as well seeing as there's not many on the market atm.
Managed to fuck up and pre order two copies so anyone want to buy one?
Can you not cancel one or have you already payed. People price fixing is so annoying. My teams almost complete but one of the players I need is being price fixed high
Managed to pick Vardy up before his price rose. Looking to bring in Dier, Davies and possibly Kasper for GK
Based Jorge
Got the funds to make it happen as well, barely.
I don't remember that strikers name, but he was a beast on previous Fifas.
Ice Man
Hoping to bring in some new defenders when I get some coins. Really want Yedlin but he is very expensive. Also will hope to get Wright-Phillips after this week when he should get an in form.
Telegram Sam
The Platypus
Telegram Sam
Any proper strategy though?
For example, when I've played briefly in the past I feel like I've had to spend so much on just buying contracts for my players. Felt like I was getting nowhere.
Ice Man
Telegram Sam
The Platypus
It's always like that in the beginning
Here's my squad for now, started of with a French/PL hybrid but now it's sort of separated a bit into two. Will probably not make big changes until the market settles down, want to add Sterling and Sturridge at some point.
Already played against a team with Ronaldo, Bale, Rodriguez, Pepe etc, and one with Ibra, Cavani, Lavezzi, Thiago Silva etc, how the hell have people got so many coins already or some incredible pack luck.
The video posted is a lot of help, get the 1000 coin boost first, gets you around 1400 each game which after a few games adds up. For this years edition you can loan players too which can help at the start when you need a good player or two for the first few games. Best thing is to try get around 20k in coins, then use it to buy some cheap bargains, my team above cost me not much more, key is to have two full 11's so you can rotate every few games (3-4 games for me, so their fitness doesn't drop below 85). Then after you have a starter squad you can get into a streak of playing, can pick up contracts cheap if needed, can get into trading where you buy cheap and sell for 200-300 coins more to make a profit or just save your coins for from games for whoever you want to buy next.