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I want to share my tactics with Czech side Banik Ostrava.
Basically, i'm inspired from the Wenger's 4-3-3 in Arsenal. They play fast attackinng possession football but also has a good defence so they dont concede too much goals, its a naarrow possession football with support from both flanks. It doesn't required too much skill from the player so this is a good formation either for big team or small team.
TEAM SHAPE : Flexible
Player Roles :
GK: goalkeeper – defend - Distribute short simple passes to wing backs.
DR/DL: wing back – support - Overlap on the wings and get crosses into the box. Speed is very important, stamina too and the obvious defensive attributes. Crossing is one of the main attribute.
DC’s: central defender – defend - Their duty is mark the striker tightly and distribute tha ball short to the midfiled. Its better if they're quick and a good passer.
DMC: anchor man – defend - His main duty is to sit in the hole between the defence and the midfield, intercepting moves, winning the ball, and laying off simple passes to more creative player. The main attributes for this guy are strength, positioning and work rate.
MC: central midfield – support - Get forward whenever possible and scores some important goals like Aaron Ramsey. Shooting skills, dribble and work rate are the main attributes for this guy.
MC: advanced playmaker – attack – This guy is the brain of your team, we are looking for passing ability, vision and good dribbling ideally. It's better if he also has a good pace.
AMR: inside forward – support – Very important, this guy is the playmaker from the wings like Mesut Ozil, he has to be a good passer and dribbler. He wil also deliver some crosses to the box.
AML: inside forward – support - This guy is the Alexis Sanchez of your team. He will look to move the ball inside and open up the defence. This guy must be fast, pacey and a good finisher especially from long range.guy
ST: defensive forward – support - His main duty of course is to score goals, but his othed duty is to press the back line and put the pressure on the central defenders. Require good movement off the ball and high work rate.
You can download the tactic and see the results below.
I don't guarantee it will works but i think it's a very good formation and worth a try
Please give me a review