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start a career too. My aim is to win all the trophies available with club teams.
I have loaded the following low league countries:
- Northern Ireland
- Wales
- Indonesia
- India
- Malaysia
I start Unemployed, unskilled with no history in soccer.
Not sure how many updates I will post a season. Can be one, can be two...... depends on the speed I play
Next update : Indonesia : First Job Persela
P.S. Messed a bit up with the job stats
Within this tactic I will try to smash and grab to victories. Most of the team
will be supporting except the two central defenders which are on defend
and the three strikers which are on attack.
with ambition to compete for the top tables. Goal will be top 5 in the league and to compete in the cup
for a long time.
The cup run this season was a great success. One draw in an already won round. The other matches were
all won. Most of the matches with great difference. The first price is in the bag.
The league matches were a but different, but not bad for the first season. Some losses, a lot of draws and
some good wins. There where to many draws to win the title, but a solid second place is good enough
for this year. A good base to go for the title next year.
These are the players that made our team proud.
Goals for next season : Super cup, Super League win, AFC Cup