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Sheriff Skacel
A 40m hit on the transfer for Juve, makes the deal I got for him all the better. You see this type of thing quite a bit with leagues that aren't loaded and leagues that get added midway through a game.
I picked up the player for under 2m from the Barca B team, since I've never had La Liga loaded both Barca and Madrid have a tendency to stockpile talent, dump it in their B teams and then flog it off on the cheap. On the front of adding leagues I added Serie A a few seasons back, I find it always takes 4-6 seasons for added leagues to settle down and cut out the erratic behaviour. So I caught Juve at a perfect time in getting that 45m for him.
They do that even if you have Spain loaded.
Sheriff Skacel
I've noticed that PSG are also murder for it, only difference being PSG will hand out 70k+ contracts and proceed to play the player twice in three years. Seriously needs looking at, the game just can't compute the transfer policies of big clubs. Like I said, its fine if it happens every now and then (Man C with Rodwell, Johnson, Sinclair, etc are prime examples), but we're talking about it happening with 3-5 players every single season.
For anyone interested the player I posted has started the season well for Dortmund, 2 goals in 5 games, 2 assists also and averaging a 7.24. Although I fear it may take more than that to break Dortmund's 43 year title drought.
this is another thing i have noticed, sometimes big clubs will neglect a particular position in the squad for ages, sometimes not signing anyone there for years, and end up having to play really old players there, play people out of position or put a youth player there who is not good enough, all while splashing cash in other positions where they are already very strong.