16 years ago
2 months ago
Hi mates and a happy new fm year! As at the previous one, I can't upload a photo of me at manager photo. All my photos saved at my pc are lighted as red and the msg file can't be opened appears. Can anyone help me?
Vicious One
17 years ago
1 week ago
There is no instruction on this specific topic available in the manual that comes with the game. For me, my personal uploaded ingame picture works perfecty. Just to be sure, I used a 180x180 pixels cut out picture of myself in .png format (same size and picture format as for players/staff) My picture is just 48kb in size.
17 years ago
1 month ago
Make sure your picture is renamed to .png and resize it to the same as the one as in FM6 face-packs.

Another method:

Download a face-pack if you have not so already.

In-game go to Preferences/interface and tick ''show unique I.D.'' at the bottom of the page.

Go to your 'home' page and you will see your unique manager ID at the top of the page in the tile bar.

Then go to the face-pack staff picture folder or the team you are managing folder.

Place your picture there, rename your picture file as the same as your unique I.D.

Then open the 'config' file with notepad.

You will see lines like this -

<record from="106728" to="graphics/pictures/person/106728/portrait"/>

copy and paste that line and place it in the list with the others, delete all the numbers in that line and input your I.D. number.

Say your i.d number is 123, so your line should look like this -

<record from="123" to="graphics/pictures/person/123/portrait"/>

Save config file.

In-game go to preferences, un-tick cache and refresh skin.

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