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Hi folks! I'm working on an enhanced database file for the Scottish Football Pyramid, as I did last year - the bonus this year being that it *touch wood* works properly with promotion to the professional leagues this year!
UPDATE: Final Beta file ready!
Full Change List
Added all relevant divisions
Added main regional and lower cups
Amended prize monies
Updated club reputations
Added awards for new divisions
Create logo pack (WIP, need to add trophies etc)
Corrected kits, colours (done for level 5, WIP level 6)
Create & add correct managers (WIP)
Fill out with real-life squads (WIP) - use "add players to playable teams" for now.
The setup - this reflects the real-life pyramid, as shown below:
League 1
League 2
Highland & Lowland Leagues
East of Scotland & South of Scotland Leagues (both feed into Lowland League)
Newly added cup competitions:
Highland League Cup
Lowland League Cup
North of Scotland Cup
South of Scotland Cup
Aberdeenshire Cup
East of Scotland Qualifying Leagues
Southern Counties Cup
Give it a go! I'll probably create a database with the Junior system further down the line, but will concentrate on getting this right first.
Can I suggest adding a wee instruction on how to install as some new players wont have a clue
Ipswich Knights