13 years ago
5 months ago
Hi all,

Like most people I've added a load of kits, logos and skins to the game. DOne it a hundred times before over the years, never had a snag - until now.

Loaded the game today and they no longer appear. The game appears as is exactly out the box. I've checked the files and they are still there but they no longer appear in game. THe skins no longer appear in the drop down window. I've even taken them all out and reinstalled them, but that hasn't worked either. A real pain in the arse.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance

15 years ago
8 years ago
reload fm ?

Where have you placed all the files ?
Do they all have configs ?

Maybe screenshots of the folder structure could help
17 years ago
13 hours ago
if on 'Preferences' 'Interface' unticked 'Use caching to decresae page loading times and click tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes in preferences' 'Reload Skin' ?

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