Balkan League by FM-Balkan ReSearch Team


Balkan League
All Ex-Yu First Leagues in new format

This add-on gave possibility to play regional Balkan League and the format is similar to basketball ABA League.

Balkan League contains 14 clubs from Croatia (4 clubs), Serbia (4 clubs), BiH (2 clubs), Slovenia (2 clubs), Macedonia (1 club) and Montenegro (1 club). They play each other 2 times. There are also financial awards and some player restrictions.

Domestic season of every First League in Ex-Yu countries is divided into two parts. First is Autumn Season in which play clubs from First League which don't compete in the Balkan League. At that time best clubs from First League play in Balkan League. In the early April, Balkan League and Autumn season finish and the domestic league is divided to Champions Group (Teams from Balkan League+best teams from Autumn Season up to 6 clubs in the Champions Group) and the Relegation Group (worst teams from Autumn season). Teams qualify to European competitions through domestic division, not through Balkan League.

This file is compatible with every default league (Croatia up to Second League, Serbia and Slovenia) and every file from FM-Balkan ReSearch Team (BiH, Croatia up to Third League, Macedonia and Montenegro). If you want to play some from this non-default leagues you must activate both Balkan League file and the file from that country e.g. BiH. If you want to play one of the default leagues you just need to activate Balkan League file.

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The database was tested five seasons on holiday, and for all the possible errors, proposals and more info write in the original thread and will be corrected in the future.

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