FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
FM24 New Leagues
FM23 New Leagues
FM24 Tactics
FM24 Data Update
FM Database
FM Guides
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
FM24/25 Update Free Players
FM24/25 Update Bargains
FM24/25 Update Players to avoid
FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
FM24/25 Update Club Facilities
Installation Guides
Prediction League
Fantasy Football
Burak Salvation
Images Within The Game :
Spor Toto Super League Rules :
Fenerbahçe'de Foreign non- European players Numbers :
-Hello friends.Done with the setup program.After you open the thing you need to do the setup program
After saying browse the destination folder will be installed to adjust their portion of your computer.
For example : ''C:\Users\UserName\Documents\SportsInteractive\FootballManager2015''
You must select the destination folder should be similar.
Users and do not forget to change it as part of your own computer by Username !
After installing the program when opening new career data file editor confirm Select the patch file.
And the installation is complete.Good games.
FOOTNOTE : Patch Version : v1.0
--Patch FMC (Football Manager Classic) mode is not compatible with.
-Surely you must open a new career to be active patch.
-If you can not install the patch files contained in the above- written
''Video Setup'' folder you can benefit from the installation.
-To be informed about new changes and you want to know more detail
''Information on the patch'' read the text document named.
-It Also be added along with the patch:
* The European Union Rule of the game has been expanded to include all 55 countries in the European countries.
* Rules of countries included in the set to have freedom of movement in the transfer between them.
* Rules will not be counted as part of foreign countries including the European Union countries have been added in the country.
-This Patch provided with advantages:
* Played cloth is now for people from foreign rule in the european league players to the team and the player will not be considered foreign.
* Player of the countries involved in the EU with Bununl England and so on. countries, work permits, etc. Installing things like that.
* Spain and so on. In countries such as the current EU rules will increase the number of foreign players are not considered Europeans.
Complete list of the expanded EU of 55 countries located in the rule as follows :
1) Germany 2) Andorra 3) Albania 4) Austria 5) Azerbaijan 6) Belarus 7) Belgium 8) Bosnia and Herzegovina
9) Bulgaria 10) Gibraltar 11), Czech Republic 12) Denmark 13) Armenia 14) Estonia 15) Faroe Islands
16) Finland 17) France 18) Wales 19) 20 Gürvis) Croatia 21) The Netherlands 22) UK 23) Republic of Ireland
24) Scotland 25) Spain 26) Israel 27) Sweden 28) Switzerland 29) Italy 30) Iceland 31) Northern Ireland 32) Montenegro
33) Kazakhstan 34) Cyprus 35) Latvia 36) Liechtenstein 37) Lithuania 38) Luxembourg 39) Hungary 40) Macedonia
41) Malta 42) Moldova 43) Monaco 44) Norway 45) Poland 46) Portugal 47) Romania 48) Russia 49) San Marino 50) Serbia
51) Slovakia 52) Slovenia 53) Turkey 54) Ukraine 55) Greece
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