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I had the Debskis World of Hairstyles for FM16 v1.0 lying around and installed it for FM17. Now I can see that the hairstyles are working for the regens in FM17, but i have a problem with facial hair. The facial doesnt appear in the right "position" and is too high, making it cover the mouth and part of the nose.
(edit: I actually noticed the haircuts are positioned incorrect as well. More people with this complaint on the Debskis World of Hairstyles for FM16 v1.0 download page on sortitoutsi but no reply from Debski's himself.
Does anyone have an idea if he's still into creating this content for FM?)
Im looking into how to fix this and get the facial hair to be in the correct position for FM17. But if anyone knows how to reset the "hair" for regens to default (without uninstalling and reinstalling) please let me know.