Charly Mago
9 years ago
8 years ago


Facepack esclusivo della Serie A by

Aggiornato alla chiusura del mercato del 31 gennaio 2017 con tutti i trasferimenti

Istruzioni per l'installazione:

chiudere Football Manager se aperto;
scompattare il file RAR in Documenti/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/graphics/faces/ (se le directories "graphics" e/o "faces non esistono crearle);
avviare Football Manager;
andare su Personalizza => Interfaccia;
deselezionare "Usa cache per ridurre i tempi di caricamento delle pagine";
selezionare "Ricarica skin quando si confermano modifiche alle preferenze";
clickare su "Svuota cache";
infine clickare su "Conferma".

Completed With last transfer market session


close Football Manager if open;
unrar the file in Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2017/graphics/faces/ (if the directories "graphics" and/or "faces" does not exist create them);
start Football Manager;
go to preferences => Interface;
untick "Use Caching to decrease page loading times";
click on "Empty cache";
press "Confirm" Button.

©2017 & ItaliaCheGioca

Hello everyone,
I would write here, then let me know if I did well or create problems.
My intent was to share the work we did on our forum and we would like to share on your.

I hope I have done something with this simple player Facepack of the Italian Serie A.
We are considering to create a pack for every European Championship but we would like to see how this will go.

Thank you and good FM to all!!

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