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For a first post I will bring you up to speed from my season, will be continuing in a more graphical style from my 2nd post.
As usual I started unemployed and loaded a bunch of leagues (actually every possible FIFA Nation, made possible by the awesome Claassen pack). With these 216 nations I decided to go on holiday and let the game apply for me. After I did a bunch of interviews I got some job offers, and I picked the job at Internacional de Madrid.
There weren't any high expectations at the club, with the board demanding a mid-table position at the end of the season. Our start was much better than we expected and after being undefeated for the first 12 games, we even were on top of the table for a short period of time. Unfortunately we had a bad run of results in november and december which resulted in a drop on the table, even outside the play-offs. Luckily we have been getting some good results in the new year and we are still battling for a position in the top 10, with a chance of reaching 4th place.
From the next update I will take you with me on my journey. So I hope you enjoy the story and enjoy the read!
So I'll follow this with a pining longing. Best of luck!
You must have the patience of a saint to put up with the processing times for 216 nations too!
Cheers for the comments Dan and Suffolk Seasider! Truth is I have always been a slow FM-player, so I don't mind processing is slower than usual. Gives me time to write some text and create some updates for my story!
Cheers for the comment again Suffolk! It's probably the size of the font
The font is probably just my eyes !
Keep up the good work, both in game and in write up !
Cheers for the comments guys! Been an exciting end of the season. In the end i'm a bit disappointed about those 16 draws. From these 16 draws, at least 5 of them were games where we threw away a solid lead in the final third of the game. If we only would have won 2 of these, we would have been champions.
Where next?
Cheers again for the comment Suffolk!
Good luck with your new club !
Good luck!
Thanks for the comments and feedback guys! @DNZY Ross Allen is still there and he is still considered to be a good player.
Keep this up, I'm loving this story!
Cheers suffolk for the comment! Weirdly enough we can't even scout in France, although its closer to us than England... FM Logic...
Had a bit of a tough break in recent weeks. After I signed for Guernsey I noticed the league rules in England weren't what they supposed to be. Appeared the file I used wan't a very good one. After some research and some new downloads I finally found some good and healthy databases to use. Unfortunately I need to take back a step in my story, but I keep on continuing the JourneyMan!
Best of luck on this new adventure!
Cheers for the comment Suffolk. This time I made a booboo myself
Those two Scots in your team must be burnt to a crisp by now!